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Most of us should be aware of famous Youtubers and Twitch streamers. Most of us are probably even following some of these people. However, I wonder if one could say that these people are freelancers? - What's your thoughts on this?
Freelancers according to most people are people that make money online by selling services or products. People with large email lists who promotes others products are also considered freelancers as they make money by affiliate programs and such.
That being said, most famous youtubers and twitch streamers are affiliated to g2a, kinguin etc. (Websites you buy games from.) - And they make a passive income by doing that. - Is it safe to say that these people are freelancers too, or should one still call them youtubers or streamers?
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I would most definitely consider them as freelancers. They're setting up a system that makes them money by using their skills in game to push products they don't own themselves. I know there are at least a few gamers who are making over 1mil a year just by playing games and then streaming them to youtube or twitch. Now they do play a lot of tournaments and get paid a good amount of the winnings if they do win, but I'm sure they're also making a killing from their affiliate sales as well
I would love to be a popular streamer so I could just play video games all day and get paid for it. But sadly I'm only about an 8 out of 10 on the skill level for the games I play. I can compete with some of the top players, but not too often. My game has to be on point and I have to have a good team behind me in case I need support
But in the end, anyone who is setting up their own systems in order to make money online, I would consider them as a freelancer. I definitely consider them businessmen/women and entrepreneurs because they are making money doing something they love
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