
Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain Review

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Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain Review

Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain is a new series hosted by Youtube and Tech crunch. I have been watching every new episode that comes out and now that i have watched the 6th one i wanted to review and talk to you guys about what i think. The series is made up of short 6 minute videos, basically explaining the crypto currency industry and where the future of it is going. Few of the mega miners are featured on it and it gives a deep inner look of the crypto currency industry mainly Bitcoin and Ethereum. You can see some of the mining facility and the massive exhaust fans on the side of the building. I love it, the series makes me even more passionate about doing what i do. If you guys don't know about it and you want to watch it you can watch it all on YouTube. like i said before they are quick 5-6 min videos and wont take much of your time. I guarantee you will walk away knowing more about crypto currencies as a whole, and what the plans are to expand it.

As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me.


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Thank you jkeyz2, I appreciate it. I'm nothing near a "crypto" expert and I would totally love to learn more about crypto currencies. Especially ever since I joined Steemit, and I have some more knowledge now, compared to when I first started out about 2-3 months back. I've been more and more interested but I don't have enough time to do some major research or whatever.. I don't have enough time to study this. These kind of episodes might be just what I've been looking for. Thank you very much!

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Hi Andre

Yeah I have been following all these posts about Bitcoin that Jkeyz2 has been adding and now my brain is ticking away. You have just connected a dot for me Andre. So you can earn money through Steemit right, and you can earn Steem Dollars which then can be converted into Bitcoin right? And then you cash out your Bitcoin to USD... but now why not build up Bitcoin instead?

From what Jkeyz2 has said Bitcoin are building up in strength big time recently so wouldn't it be great to start earning in Bitcoin and saving it instead of cashing out?

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That's is 100% correct Lynne. You earn Steem Power and Steem Dollars on Steemit. Both currencies can be converted into Bitcoins but Steem Power takes 104 weeks, meanwhile Steem Dollars can be converted at any time. - It's obviously a good idea to save up some BTC and "hodl" them as much as you can. (I wrote HODL on purpose), However, Steemit is an up & rising community, or at least that's what everyone involved are wishing for, and if you invest in Steem dollars right now when it's crazy low, you could potentially end up with a way higher profit than you would with BTC. BTC will most likely not increase by a few hundred % in a week or two, meanwhile Steem dollars actually could do exactly that as it's still new.

That being said, I would hold on to my Steem dollars, as it's dirt-cheap right now and if and when it increase, then I would convert it into BTC, as BTC are a "safer" investment so to speak.

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No problem at all boss. I would not consider myself an expert but i am very informed and i do alot of research. If you need an investment advisor or if you would like to start Bitcoin mining we have investment opportunities for people. I tried steemit and i posted a few things but i have not got paid yet. I don't know if its because nobody is looking at my posts or what. Please if you have not watched it take the time to do it i think you will love it. Thanks for sharing!

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I've never been into mining, but if I would, then I would probably go with BTC. However, as far as I understand, it takes months or even years to mine a single BTC and if I hire miners and all that, and don't do it myself, then I would most likely end up losing thousands of dollars before I mined a single BTC. - However, I'm nothing near an expert. I'm a total rookie and I might have got it all wrong, but at least that's how it looks from my perspective right now.

That being said, if I would be able to get a decent offer, then I would most likely be interested in mining too, as I truly believe that BTC and other crypto currencies are truly the "next thing" so to speak.

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Yes we have a very simple investment opportunity You buy the machines from Bitmaintech and we will run them here at our operation for a very low cost. We maintain and monitor the machine for you and you start receiving BTC one full day after your machine arrives. I could also rent out a portion of one of my machines if your budget was tight and you could not afford an entire machine investment. Rite now one S9 costs about 1600 with tax shipping and power supply included.

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Found this:
Very interesting stuff, smart guys! Seems like the technology of the future.

Also, by the way, I found this today: - seems to just exploding at the moment, what do you think? Worth getting in now while everything is so cheap? Can this coin become important in the future?
Also any chance bitcoin will be supremacy will be challenged anytime soon?

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I have looked into this currency that you posted and it seems to me that this hyper inflation is only temporary and you will either see a drop soon or it will continue to rise before a drop occurs. Looking at the charts i can see a small spike back in 2014 and then it has been steady ever since. Coming from a conservative trader i would say you have missed your chance and if you invest now you will be investing to high and may lose money. Do not take what i say for face value because i just make predictions and im not always correct. Maybe it will shoot all the way up to a dollar and if you own 50,000 of them you will be doing well. Will an alt currency surpass the original? This is very hard to tell but i will say that Ethereum has the best chance of doing that at this moment. You have to remember if Bitcoin becomes mainstream no other Crypto will be able to pass it.

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