
Hire Me or Custom Order on SEOclerks Profiles - Proposal Debate

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Hire Me or Custom Order on SEOclerks Profiles - Proposal

Since my recent activity on Community Discussions here on SEOclerks, I've notice I'm starting to get a lot of activity in my Inbox. People contact me with different problems and issues.

At the moment I suspended all my past services for various reasons, but overall I just want to re-invent myself here by developing something completely new for the future.

In the meantime, I would still like people to contact me for various SEO jobs, but I don't want to publish some specific service, so it would be nice to have a general service feature, like a "Hire Me" kind of thing or a "Custom Offer" a buyer may want to make to get an answer, quick fix or even a complex custom job.

The buyer should have the options to accept, refuse or just continue negotiating with the potential client.

This will also give buyers a good inside into what buyers really need and want and create normal services accordantly.

What do you guys this of such a feature?


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I Like this idea buyers can just ask you for what they want instead of offering a generic service. This is different from a want to buy and shouldn't be associated with this feature. Want to buy is more of a bidding war for something someone wants. What your talking about is a private way for a buyer to ask a seller for something that fits their needs. They should be able to describe what they want and a price they want to pay. The seller should be able to counter and once an agreement is made the service should begin. This type of innovation will set us apart from other market places and i think its a great idea Bravo. Thanks for Sharing.

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Yes, exactly, you got everything right to the point!

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I think this would be an amazing feature and would add so much value to this marketplace.

Yes I remember Mike's suggestion too and I loved it.

I don't use WTB's because I usually only want to order from certain sellers. Yes call me fussy or whatever but I know what I want and I know what I like and I have very high standards. If I find a seller that I like that sells the sort of thing I am looking for but perhaps I want something a little more tailored to suit my needs then I would love the opportunity to be able to request it.

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This has been suggested once before, and I think the answer was "Want to Buys" if I remember correctly. However, as a marketplace grows, and all the changes that surrounds it, I believe this feature would be very beneficial to the marketplace, and the entire community. There are some cons of this feature though, for instance a seller could possibly be spammed with "hire me" requests, unless there was a cap per user, like possibly 3 hire me requests per day.

If this feature were to ever be created it probably should function the same as like the bumps, like where you need to do certain activity to gain a certain amount of "bids" to be able to create custom jobs for a seller, this is to prevent gaming of the system, and other issues that may occur.

Also, another con is probably SEO related, as a custom job the service won't rank very well, or even rank at all. So if you like to rank your services on google or other search engines.

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This is very different from a WTB, the seller will contact one buyer directly and propose a custom order. This feature should be available on all profiles if the seller chooses to enable it.
Some requirements should be met of course, but other than that I don't see any potential problems, only gains.

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Sounds like a great idea, having the possibility to negotiate the price before the service is created will be amazing. It will be a cool feature to have because it will give them the possibility to request any service from you without having actually a live version of the service.

I am supporting this feature and probably will bring us more sales.

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That's a great idea. I have not done many jobs on SEO Clerk, however, because of my participation in a discussion I get traffic on my services. Participating in the discussion is a good way to attract the potential buyers. People can still create a Custom job offer through WTB feature, however, there is no feature to create a custom job offer to a specific freelancer. The services you list on your page are also in a way "Hire Me" feature.

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