
Highlight and category featured posts?

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Highlight and category featured posts?

I have seen that there are options to have my services highlighted and also to have them as category featured posts.

I am interested to know whether you think this would make a huge difference to my sales for the services I have added.

What is personal experience with paying to promote your services here?

Has it been worthwhile and have you had a huge jump in sales?

I don't mind spending the money at all to do this but I just wonder if I would make sales and how quickly they would come in if I did it?

Share your thoughts please.


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The highlight feature will do exactly what it says. It will highlight your service listing and that will automatically attract people as it stands out. It's easier to see it and as it's something different, people will often take a look out of curiosity. - That being said though, it all comes down to your service. No matter if you use the highlight feature, the monthly feature or a category feature.

If you can attract clients without any of these features, then it might be a good option to use the features to attract even more potential clients. You should also have the competitors in mind. If they highlight an identical service, you might end up with less results. If any of your competitors are using the category feature, then you might get less results.. - Well, common sense actually.

I've been here long enough to see that even the monthly feature have ended up with poor results for some sellers.. But that's not the features fault. It all comes down to the service.. And the potential clients. - That being said, most of the times, any promotion like this will boost your results. Even if it's just a little bit.

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Thans Andre, yes I know what you mean. Just because you advertise does not mean you will get any ROI or any sales even for that matter.

I think I will wait a bit and do some of my own marketing first.

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Well, as you may know, I don't sell any of my services here. Mainly because I charge way too much compared to everyone here lol Highlight and category featured posts?

But I have paid for ad spots on popular forums in the past and they offered a featured highlighted section which I sprung for. By doing this I saw a lot more sales per day just because my service was shown a lot more compared to a basic listing.

Here on SeoClerks I can see how the feature positions would be a huge boost in sales because people usually type in to their address bar and come right to the homepage. This is where you'll get the boost in traffic to your service because it will be one of the top few that are shown before the basic listings. If your service is top notch and you have a few good reviews already, I would see you getting 10x the amount of sales than if you had a basic listing.

Just think about it, you're posting your service that goes next to, above, below, etc. to a bunch of other services that are similar. Now these other services may not be as good as yours is, but you could get lost in the sea of similar service providers. By purchasing the featured listing for your service you will stand out and funnel sales Highlight and category featured posts?

Another trick you can do is buy one featured listing for one of your services and increase your sales across all your services. To do this all you have to do is link all your other services within your service description. Sort of like a "Check out my other services below" and link to them. You can also add all your services to your order page where people have to submit their info for the current job. This will show them they can purchase other services from you and in turn it will increase your sales Highlight and category featured posts? Oh! Another thing you can do is to link to all your services in your completed project page. You know when you submit the work to be accepted for completion? Yup, there Highlight and category featured posts?

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Hi Razzy

Thanks for all these tips! Yes I think that is what I am going to start with, letting people know about my other services in each service. They are all similar, just different social networks so if someone is interested in one of my services then very likely they will be interested in all of the,.

Ok so that is the first thing I will be doing and then I will be thinking about paid advertising. I first want to see what effect it has making that small change first.

Nice one!

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I never tried them out to be honest as I got orders simply with the help of free bumps and through regular orders from some clients. They might help as they make your service stand out a bit, but ultimately it is all about if there are people who might be interested in your service, if the pricing is right, and your reputation / if you can offer a really good service, that effects how successful you are and how many orders you get. At least that is what I believe. However there is obviously nothing wrong to try them out to try to boost sales.

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Thanks EliteWriter. Yes I think I already have a regular client for my services, she has ordered 2 out of the 3 already which is really awesome. I am still needing to add some more services and then I will do promotion of these via my own website and social media first for a bit.

I got some really great tips from Razzy now which I think will be really helpful to implement first.

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I Absolutely think it helps a new seller or a vet the same way. Like CDRocks mentioned above you get more visibility and you are put at the top when you category feature. I know some shoppers personally will check categories and pick whoever is at the top. Competition plays a small role but not big i am currently offering a unique service and far less plays than the competition at almost triple the price yet i manage to scrape up a few sales a day. I think its because more people can see my listing above all it shows that your a dedicated seller. highlighting a service is good but only if you bump n a regular basis because unlike category feature this does not put your service at the top of the list only makes it stand out. I Also think that bumping your services wisely is key to success. If your competition is bumped wait until they fall a bit to bump your service this creates more of a market if you bump at the same time its more of a waste of a bump.

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Yes I've been watching how it all works and I am taking note of everything. It really is an interesting experience being a buyer here now!

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Think very careful about purchasing any feature services of highlight features. You need to make some calculation, like how many orders would you need to break thing even and how more order would you need to turn a profit around?
This is the kind of things you would need to think about.

If you are getting more than 20 order per month on a service that you only bump once in a while, that service may have huge potential if made featured, so think about it, be ready to deliver a lot of order if you get them and learn that your goal is actual ROI.

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Thanks Cristian, yeah I think I do need to think about that. I have had a few orders but I am so short on time that it may turn problematic for me if I get too many orders LOL. I wouldn't want to get so many orders that I have a problem delivering them!

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It really depends on what your competition is doing I find the more I stand out the more sales I get! If I were you I would pay to just highlight your most popular service and then keep bumping it up in it's category. The highlight is only a $19 gamble that is good for a month lol. Don't be afraid to experiment Highlight and category featured posts?

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Yeah I think it would be well worth giving it a shot, even if it doesn't even give me my money back in sales it will be worth it, maybe I will be raking in the sales?

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hello..i want use highlight.....can it work for me ? any help

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This reminds me of a site that is an e-commerce which is like Amazon. I have noticed that some of the products are always on the home page and they also appear on the side bar like an advertisement. One friend said that it gets a lot of “hits” when your product is advertised like that so it is worth the cost that you pay to have your product featured in the homepage.

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