
What's the best way to get people to buy stuff from my e-commerce store?

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What's the best way to get people to buy stuff from my e-commerce store?

Can anyone tell me the best way to get people to buy stuff from my e-commerence store?


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RoanSmith so you are in essence trying to sell social media services, in other words likes, shares and followers.

There are already tons of people that are doing SEO in this niche, so you really need to gain some authority if you want some sort of organic traffic.
First of all search for long tail related keywords, I've done plenty of research in this niches and you can find some incredible long tail keywords. So find those, create content around them and gain backlinks.
Your prices are good enough but maybe you can create some sort of special offers, also read some tutorials on email marketing, target the right people and I'm sure you'll get orders.

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This is also my question. I have an ecommerce store and I sell lingerie products. There are hundreds of lingerie online store already, therefore competition is tough. My website also contains blog posts. There are over 50 articles on lingerie niche. I promote these articles on social media. When a visitor lands on my article, he may also check my products. However, this tactic has not worked. I get traffic to my articles, but not sales.

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I am not an expert when it comes to marketing but I suggest that you try a relentless campaign in social media. If you have an active account, that’s a green pasture that you can cultivate. All you need to do is to make a promotional post about your business .But maybe you want to opt for a Facebook Page that can serve as display center of your business. Promote that Page and as an effect, your business gets promoted as well.

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