
Is Blogging Passive Income or not?

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Is Blogging Passive Income or not?

The definition of Passive Income is earning income without doing any work. A blogger can earn a passive income from past blog posts but a blogger often has to continue to blog daily/weekly in order for the blog to be successful and continue to grow.

So, by definition blogging is passive income and it isn't but how can it be both?

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Blogging has no actual income, the income comes from the 3rd party advertising like Google from which you get passive income, but withouth the blog you could not get the passive income
This is something like which came first the chicken or the egg

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Blogging is a passive income. You write and publish your article today, and you will not make money tomorrow. You need t wait for months to see a buck. Once your article begins to get traffic with conversion, you will earn money. My articles published in 2012 are still earning me money since these articles were published, I have not worked on these articles again (apart from few updates) but I am constantly making money. This is what passive income all about.

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I also believe you can make passive income from blogging. You can blog for two years and not earn anything and then start earning from your blog's in the third year without needing to make more posts. I think it all depends with the strategies you used or how lucky you are when it comes to earning.

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Maybe you can consider blogging passive income if it is not your main line of work. Let’s say you are in marketing or have a marketing business and blogging is only your pastime of sorts then you can consider is a passive income. However, for a blog to earn, you have to update regularly and the blogs should be original and relevant to your niche, of course. Much more, it should be well crafted and informative. Don’t forget that you need to promote your blog once in a while especially when there is fresh content.

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