
Are link pyramids obsolete or not?

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Are link pyramids obsolete or not?

What do you think guys, are link pyramids obsolete? Or I better ask, are they are still safe and efficient? Couple of years ago, link pyramids were the best option( in my opinion) to get a huge amount of backlinks, better rankings and traffic.

You can do them on multiple layers to avoid getting penalized and with links from different sources and as varied as possible. The best thing with the link pyramid is that you can interlink multiple keywords and by this you are increasing your chances to get better rankings.
Are link pyramids obsolete or not?

These being said, how are they seen by Google considering that he is not a big fan of bulk back linking techniques?
Are you still using them in your SEO strategy?


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Compared with the link wheel that is almost obsolete, I still think link pyramids can work BUT the quality of the links should be good enough so that Google won't consider them spam.

Question is, where are you getting your link from and why do you need a pyramid for them? Keep in mind that the authority of the page may go down as other links pyramids are developed on the same pages.
I think Google is smart enough to notice the authority scale you've made and eventually you'll get hit.

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I still use link pyramids on my web 2.0s because it seems to work well for small niches or low competition keywords.

Back in the day I would do them on everything and dominate the rankings Are link pyramids obsolete or not? But now that Google, Yahoo! and Bing have tweaked their algorithms countless times it's only getting more difficult to achieve top rankings with little tricks. Well, that is if you're automating everything and hoping to hit the top in a few weeks lol Are link pyramids obsolete or not? I've done manual link pyramids on a small scale which consisted of top level domains with high authority all inside the pyramid. I wouldn't designate specific links for tiers 1, 2 and 3 because I wanted it to all look natural. Not all big websites link to bigger websites, sometimes the big sites link to medium websites and the enormous websites link to small ones Are link pyramids obsolete or not? If you have something like this DA10 --> DA25 --> DA30 --> DA60 and so on, it will look unnatural. I do understand that a lot of websites will do this and even though the juice flows the right way, don't you think the billion dollar companies have caught on and know this system and method? Try to vary it like this DA30 --> DA25 --> DA60 and you'll notice a similar jump in the rankings, but it will stick for much longer. Throw in a lot of variations and don't do them all in one day. Split your pyramid campaign across a 30 or 60 day gap to make it look more natural. Putting up all these links in one day is not natural at all and it's even obvious sometimes because of the time stamps lol Are link pyramids obsolete or not?

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Hey Razzy, i understand what you are saying. So basically, you say that you should vary the sources and keep them at a slow pace. I was sure that Google and the rest are not a big fan of them. Anyhow do you have a limit on how many links are you using per layer?

Do you inlcude links coming from .gov and .edu sources or the time for these has fallen?

I know i did some manual pyramids a while ago with great results but after Google's algorithm updates i didn't to risk it too much.

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From what I understand link pyramids are still good for rankings..that is if the link pyramid manages to keep under the radar.

I like what Razzy said, that goes hand in hand with the information I read up on link pyramids and linking in general. Google is looking for natural links and anything that looks unnatural or spammy will be noticed now.

I do a little bit of my own link building but the majority I get freelancers here that I know and trust to do the job properly for me. I like the way my sellers work and I have not had any penalties or warnings.

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Yeah, you're right. Natural is still escaping through Google's net. The most important thing in building a pyramid is to maintain a steady pace and don't go over your head and try to fix it in 2 days because you will ring some bells somewhere and you will probably get banned or penalised.

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Yes building manually and slowly with link building is really important.

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I think they are still effective. Somehow according to my idea, google will ban them soon too..

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Can you elaborate your statement? On what grounds are you saying this?

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In past link pyramid were easy. Now one has to make complex pyramid. I am sure there are some algorithms which can detect those easy pyramids. So it all coming down with the links getting more complex. I personally think that link pyramid can be good if used the right way. But with google getting more strong, it can be harder to deal with such type of the penalty if we do get caught. So make it complex like one pyramid connecting another and so on.

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I think the link pyramid is still being widely used and it still can give a good amount of traffic particularly if the links are of good quality. When it comes to backlinks, my understanding is the quality that it is important where you place the backlink. For authority sites your backlink is considered high quality so that is the main target when doing link building.

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