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Some people say never to mix friendship with business. Or the same can be said sometimes about family and business too. But that's not to say you shouldn't. Ever. Because some family business can last a very long time and some so can some professional working friendships too. If you both work at them.
You may not realize it, but as a freelancer and or digital marketing expert. You could be sitting under a wealth of income just from your friends and family and those around you.
Turning Your Skills into Success Through Others
If you're already a freelancer or Internet marketer with any IT skills in web development and design to SEO and SMO, then you can use that earn money with from your friends and family. Especially more so if you're already a somewhat successful freelancer or affiliate marketer. Because you can use that as leverage to get them on board.
All you really have to do is talk to them! Find out what sort of things they are passionate about, have an interest in, hobbies they have etc. And tell them about the demand there is for these sorts of things online by people looking for how to's and information about those same passions, hobbies or interests.
Just today I was talking to a friend of mine who is a traveler / song writer and has been traveling a lot. He has a lot of travel stories and they're amazing and often funny to listen to. He's also a bit of a modern gnostic as well and knows quite a lot about world events and the ways things are they way they are. He's the kind of person who digs a little deeper into topics and researches them, writes about them.
For a while now he's been asking me about how to start a website which he can use as a platform to share all his knowledge, experiences, travel stories and songs he's written and stuff like that. Basically he has the content in droves already and I have the skills and know how to make it all come about. So after some questions we came up with a good domain name idea for him and I'm going to create it and host it on my own plan for a while.
Basically I told him what I could do and how much it would cost. I'm not really charging him anything as he's a friend but said that I will help on the site as well and want part of it when it gets successful and we'll do revenue sharing down the line on it.
We're going with a basic simple travel blog type site first. But then later on we'll be adding new features to the site and possibly something very similar to what Trivago do but more for actual travelers that want to know about places to travel to and what there is to do at those places, what to try and what to avoid stuff like that. Rather than just hotel reviews and comparisons.
An Example Template To Go By
But this is just one example of many. You could do the same thing for your friends or family too. Simply find out what their interests and passions are, tell them about how they could have a website they could put that on and in time they could earn from it. Tell them how you'll do all the footwork for it first of all and that it will only cost them something small at first like $50 or something. Get them on board with the idea first and tell them about the benefits, (but also make them aware of the work needed). And you could probably bag a sell from it.
You'll not only score yourself a quick $50 bux maybe to do it for them. But you could also later on share in that sites earnings as well. You'd have to do most of the work first of all, registering the domain, installing WordPress, setting it up and that, creating social profiles for it and all of that. All they would have to do is just login and create new posts and share them on social media and you could help promote it too.
Yes it will be their site. But you could also benefit from it too in the future. You could charge them hosting fees for the rest of their life.
Other Ways You Can Earn from Your Clients Sites
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Yuuuuup!!!! lol I do this all the time if they say they have a business idea. They will start talking to me about it and I always bring up the fact that they will need a website since that's like a modern day business card and everyone looks up a website before they contact you
Do you identify areas within people that you can monopolize on?
Yup. They'll give me an idea and I can give them a marketing plan on how to monopolize the market and bring in sales from all different types of funnels
Or do you prefer to keep clients at arms length?
Not really. If I get a local client whether it be a family member, good friend, or a random person who hires me to help them out, I'll usually treat them like I've known them my entire life. With the clients that are far away I can't go out to coffee with them since it's not smart to fly 1,000 miles there for a 5 minute meeting and then 1,000 miles back home
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