
Use coffee shops to make money online.

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Use coffee shops to make money online.

This will cover more of how to advertise, and not necessarily how to make money. But the making money aspect will be pretty obvious Use coffee shops to make money online.

Now then, if you offer a digital service such as SEO, SEM, PPC management, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, etc. this will work for you! This also works for many other niches since coffee shops get a lot of foot traffic and not everyone is the same. Someone looking for web design may not be looking for a dog walker, but both can advertise in coffee shops and be just as successful as each other Use coffee shops to make money online.

At all, or close to all, coffee shops there are bulletin boards where people can post whatever they want. Think of it as a micro version of craigslist lol Use coffee shops to make money online. You can post a flyer on there if you're looking to get people to let you walk their dog for a few bucks, if you want to design a website, if you want to consult people online, if you want to give away some furniture, or even in some sad cases if your animal is missing Use coffee shops to make money online.

With the flyer you'll be posting on the board, you need to do a few things. If you're like me and you're in the online marketing niche, you'll want to market your services as if you are trying to bring people in to learn how to make money online. You're not going to try and sell them SEO or any other services like that, but you'll say something like "Want to make a passive income? Contact us and we can help you set up some income funnels!" By saying it like this you aren't selling anything and it sounds like you just want to help. You'll be charging them, but that doesn't come until they're already hooked Use coffee shops to make money online.

Now the flyer design is everything. You need them to read it and contact you, because what's the point of doing this if no one reads it? I like to put a 1 inch boarder around my flyer so that it stands out slightly. I'll use paper that isn't exactly white, maybe off white or eggshell so that it's a little more classier. Now the trick to getting more than one person who wants this is to put small tabs at the bottom of the page, 10+ is usually a good amount. On each tab you'll have your name, website and contact info so people can contact you about setting something up for them. If you don't add the tabs, you might just get one person coming in and ripping the flyer off the board because they want to keep the info. Putting the tabs on there will allow people to rip one off and the flyer will stay up for the next person to pull one Use coffee shops to make money online.

I did this a long time ago when I was in high school for a dog walking gig I was trying to do and it worked pretty well.


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That's interesting, and as you put it, even though it is another option for advertising it could work out well eventually. After all if you do write the advert in the way you suggested you are going to motivate them more as you are really sort of trying to help them, rather than impose something on them. So the chances that they get back to you are higher. People who go to a coffee shop do so either to rest a bit, or during their lunch time. So they are going to be at ease and more willing to consider what you are proposing.

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Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

I was also going to do a little more split testing to see which types of flyers work best so that other people here don't waste their time putting up ads that don't do anything.

One of the flyers I wanted to put up would say something like "Hate your job? Contact me and I'll help you work online" lol Use coffee shops to make money online.

The people on their lunch breaks would be more interested in a banner like this, and since they have steady jobs, they can pay me for my time Use coffee shops to make money online.

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Not really sure any coffee shops where I live would allow such a thing. Usually you'll have to pay for an advertisement of that sort and the price can be hefty. I honestly don't think that it could work, otherwise you'll see a lot of people doing it. Where I lived before, 45 minutes away there was a board in which you could tack some things on, and it wasn't really successful. The owner of the place just allowed them to do it because it was a potential customer, and it created traffic throughout the business but there really was no results.

I think if you're going to go through all the trouble of going to coffee shops, and creating a poster you should really just advertise locally in your newspaper or local websites and bypass having to waste gas to drive to all these coffee shops, or other businesses.

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I have about 10 coffee shops within 5 minutes of my house. So it works pretty well near Chicago Illinois USA Use coffee shops to make money online.

I can literally walk to 2 different coffee shops within 10 minutes, so I could actually get some exercise while doing this Use coffee shops to make money online.

Are you outside of the United States?

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We don't really have bulletin boards in our coffee shops here, but we do have them at a good few of our chain grocery stores and sometimes they are in malls. Another place where there are always bulletin boards are in our libraries.

I think this is a great idea, so much focus is put on online marketing, which is essential of course but if you don't do any offline marketing then you are losing out on a massive market right on your door step!

It is true what you said about adding little tabs with your details on, this used to be a biggie a while back. I remember being very annoyed once because I didn't have a pen or piece of paper to write the details down off of a bulletin ad. These though I still don't carry a pen I take a photo with my phone Use coffee shops to make money online.

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Yeah, I've seen the ones at grocery stores, but I've only seen them because I was looking for them in order to put up an ad lol Use coffee shops to make money online. If I hadn't been looking for them for this reason I probably would have never seen them.

I never thought about libraries! They do have bulletin boards up and people usually check them out lol Use coffee shops to make money online. You just got my gears turning muahahahaha!!!!!

Some coffee shops will have a pen and post its near the bulletin board, but I try not to rely on that. Now that everyone has a smart phone they can take a picture of it, and I hope they do so that all my tabs don't get pulled lol Use coffee shops to make money online.

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Yes Razzy, I think those library bulletin boards are great and the reason for this is that usually when someone goes to the library they are there to browse for leisure reading books. Or at least that is true for me so I assume it is true for everyone. I love reading the bulletin boards in the library, plus they seem more upmarket than the grocery store bulletin boards. I mean you'd hardly find someone that is illiterate hanging around inside a library would you? Use coffee shops to make money online.

Those bulletin board seem more business and community focused. Whereas I find a lot of the grocery shop bulletin boards are stuffed full of people looking for jobs of any kind.

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Depends on how active and diverse the area where you are doing this is. For example, I live in a quite small town in Romania. Not that many people heard of SEO and even fewer have business with websites.
The vast majority of coffee shops and restaurants here don't have a website, so rather than giving off flyers in the coffee shop, maybe I should contact the coffee shop owner (most have facebook pages) and make a pitch for website creation and management.

It can be something really simple with the same basic template but different design, you actually gave me a brilliant idea that may work!

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Advertising your business online is very important. Here are few more ideas.
If you visit a certain restaurant regularly, make a deal with the owner and place your business card on every table (since you are doing him a favor by visiting regularly, he may be willing to favor you by agreeing to place your card on the tables)
You can also paste posters on the places where it gets lots of visitors, for instance, bus park, train station etc. Even though people in this area are always in hurry, there are still a lot of people waiting for bus or train.

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This discussion reminds me of the olden days when the traditional convenience stores here were made an advertising hub. Since the store is the place where everyone in the community goes every day, advertisers post their notices there like if they are selling something or even looking for something that they had lost. In those days the convenience store was a good place to advertise.

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With the spread of online marketing, most of us forget about good old fashioned advertising. I think people should advertise whenever they get the opportunity. Most people now concentrate on online marketing, yet most people are bound to see physical advertising. I agree with the coffee shop idea. The coffee shop has become the new place to hang out. People that work at home often work from a coffee shop, people go to meetings and hang out with friends at a coffee. Make sense to advertise in a place where people hang out, because they are more likely to see it.

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