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Whether to try and capture some of the Search Engine market share back to Bing, or just to get more people using Windows 10, Microsoft have launched a Rewards system in conjunction with Bing Rewards to pay (reward) people to use the Microsoft Edge browser that's bundled within Windows 10.
The Microsoft Edge browser is light years better than IE (Internet Exploder) but still lacks the same charm, charisma and features that the Chrome and Firefox web browsers have. Despite this more than a 3/4 of Windows 10 users aren't using the Edge browser as their main browser of choice.
So to combat that problem M$ is trying to get more people using Edge & Bing by paying them for it. M$ have teamed up with the Bing Rewards system to pay its users/searchers in points just for using Edge & Bing as their web browser & Search Engine of choice. Searchers earn points for searching in Bing and on the M$ Store of course!
You aren't paid in cash but rather points which you can then use to exchange for buying things on sites like GM, Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks and Apple etc. More and more. This is all very similar to SwagBuck which also rewards you the same way for searching in its Search Engine for things instead of Google and for installing it's browser toolbar. I actually used to use SwagBuck a lot back in the day and remember that after a while, I racked up thousands of points and was redeeming Amazon gift cards left right and center.
Some existing Bing Rewards incentives.
Anyway I think I earned a good few hundred bucks from it all in Amazon gift cards and that was only from using it for about 6 months I think. So despite having to make a change from searching in Google which is superior for results, and searching in Bing instead. Something many people may find rather irksome doing. It could actually prove to be worth doing in the long run if you're looking to make some extra income.
Plus your old browser will still always be there so not like you would even have to use it all the time. But why not if it's going to be rewarding in the long run?
It wont make you rich over night! But in time in continued use of it, it could rack you up enough rewards points to exchange for some Amazon gift cards that you can use on Amazon and other sites around the net. Well if you're all about setting up multiple residual income streams this is just another one to add to the list.
Anyway this is currently only available to US residents. And of course, you must be using Windows 10 with Edge browser installed.
Find out more and apply on the M$ Rewards Announcement.
Are you a Windows 10 user with Edge and based in the US?
Is this something you'd be interested in taking part in?
Or are you already taking part?
If it pays as much as Swag Bucks did for me back in the day, I might just upgrade to Window 10 myself!
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