
Main differences between WordPress Posts and Pages

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Main differences between WordPress Posts and Pages

Many new bloggers or users of WordPress content management system for blogging are confused between publishing posts or pages. While this two can look the same, there is difference!

Main differences between posts and pages::

  • Posts are more dynamical while pages are static contents. Search engines give more priority to dynamic contents and posts should be frequently added to blog
  • Posts are included in RSS feed and can be spread much wider to get more traffic and attention. Pages are not included in RSS.
  • Posts looking more social and visitors share them more often on social media sites if you offer share buttons, while pages are rarely shared.
  • Posts are written in different categories, using tags too, while pages are hierarchically added to blog and can be found only via menu.
  • Pages can have it's own and different templates built in with different and multiple features, while posts using same template by WordPress theme.

Using pages is recommended for only one time information like contact page or about us page, or similar static content which doesn't change often, while all other daily, weekly or monthly posts should be published by writing posts categorized appropriately and tagged with main keywords of blog post.

Do you know some more key differences? Please share if i missed some!


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Oh this is a lovely discussion Anwebservices.

I remember on one of my websites that I built myself with a website builder I wasn't sure about posts and pages. I wish I had read this post then as it would have saved me a lot of trouble!

I added a whole stack of posts that should have been pages and vice versa.. thankfully I found a plugin that can easily convert one to the other and I rectified them all like that.

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Yeah... It's not too bad to have too many pages, but blog seems to be more dynamical when you wring posts. Also, navigation are very different and connecting related posts are good to get more attention by your visitors to keep them reading your blog further. So in short, pages are for information and posts are for blogging

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A really good analysis. And, I like static pages, though possibly the dynamic posts would rank better being 'fresh' content. And, really many platforms incorporate dynamic content now, not only Wordpress blogs but also social media (everytime you tweet, etc). Wonder how Google views this static versus dynamic content in terms of ranking and if that fresh daily content ranks better over something that was published years ago.

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I think it depends on the niche and subject. If Google thinks the subject in question need to constantly be updated and fresh is good, it will probably rank dynamic posts better.

If the content you want to rank for is far more stable in terms of changes over the years, then yeah, maybe static pages are a better idea.

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As Crisitan said it depend on niche of your blog, Google probably not underestimating pages at all. But if anyone else in your niche having also frequently fresh posts added, i bet it will boost their SERP better. It's hard to predict how exactly Google feels about it, but from my previous experience posts should be added at list monthly (or so) to keep ranking your pages higher.

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When I first started out with Wordpress, I'm not gonna lie, I actually blogged on pages instead of posts. Yes, an idiotic move made by me. I didn't realize it until I notice that my "blog" looked very different from others, and it was very hard to navigate. But hey, we all have our learning point at some time, right?

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On my wordpress sites, I publish posts and pages. I use pages for public static contents like about, privacy policy, disclaimer etc. and post to publish articles. Posts by default have a comment box, which helps the visitors to engage. It is easier to optimize posts for SEO than the pages.

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