
What is the best way to make money with Facebook?

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What is the best way to make money with Facebook?

I know that there is money to be made in nearly all corners of the internet if only you know the way to go about monetization. When it comes to Facebook I am sort of a novice, although I do know my way around groups as I use them for a lot of my traffic. I know that one way to profit, and this is what I have been doing so far, is sending traffic to your site and then either selling a product, claiming advert revenue, or even selling the traffic on.
One thing that I have noticed after a bit of research is how much large pages, for example in the UK there is a page called The Lad Bible (Reportedly worth millions) but I simply do not see how they can make so much money. Is it through adverts on their site, sponsorship deals, secretly promoting affiliate links etc. I honestly have no clue how they are doing it and it would be great if someone could let me in on the secret so that I can at least attempt to replicate it.


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I think the best way to make money via Facebook is to either:
  • Have a product
  • Create an App

I have seen so many Facebook games do so well, because the players of the game want to purchase in-game items, or bonuses. Even though this business model has been around for quite some time it's an old one and one that works really well.

For products, you can advertise via the Facebook advertising platform to bring in the leads for the website. This seems to also go well because even small businesses seem to be able to gain sales from Facebook.

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For me, the best way to earn money from Facebook is to use it as a venue for marketing. Advertising on your timeline is free and you only need to be creative with your marketing spiels so your friends will get serious with it. If you have a monetized video on YouTube, for example, you can get more views by posting the link on your timeline. Maybe just 1 or 2 friends would view it. And to make it more palatable, make your promotional post a little intriguing or mysterious. If your video earns money then it’s because of your promotions on Facebook.

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The best and easiest way to earn from Facebook is by operating a store by converting a group or a page into an online shop. After that start posting and sharing articles, reviews, product descriptions, photos and even videos of the products you are selling to get some traffic to your page, when it comes to groups, it's best to add as many members as you can.

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