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For my work I mainly do a lot of content writing and I get a lot of orders. This takes up a lot of my time and makes it harder for me to manage my own websites, which is not an issue normally but I am currently expanding my sites at an alarming rate. I was wondering if I should outsource the content to another writer so I can focus more on the clients that actually pay. Are any of you freelancers and if so do you ever hire people to do the same job you do for a personal project?
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I didn't find my writers overnight, it took me some time to weed out the crappy ones to find the few that I send work to. You can post on a few websites, but SeoClerks is a good place to post a WTB (want to buy) service in order to find credible writers who can do what you need for the price you can afford
So in the end, write your own content as long as you're not swamped.
Hire a writer if you can find one that does good work and is affordable. I write all my own content unless I get swamped with work. I like to get at least 10 pages of content up each month on each of my websites and sometimes that gets pretty tedious since I have a bunch of sites. I do have a few people that I trust to write content for me, but that's it. I won't let them go on writing sprees and charge me $1,000 lol. If I do need to have them write something I will contact them and go over what I need done. Normally I do around 20 to 30 articles at a time so that the writer is busy for 2 or 3 of my websites. I like to do articles that are around 1,000 words long and I'll usually pay them around $10 per post, so around $1.00 per 100 words. I didn't find my writers overnight, it took me some time to weed out the crappy ones to find the few that I send work to. You can post on a few websites, but SeoClerks is a good place to post a WTB (want to buy) service in order to find credible writers who can do what you need for the price you can afford :D If you can find someone that writes in your native language, that would be best. I haven't found an affordable writer in the US that can do my work, but I have found a few in the Philippines who can :D The Philippines actually speaks English and not just tagalog because they are the second biggest country to have call centers. So in the end, write your own content as long as you're not swamped. Hire a writer if you can find one that does good work and is affordable.
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