
Featured services are for one service?

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Featured services are for one service?

Hello dear senior, I am confused with one thing, I want to ask if I'll buy a featured service, it is mean all of my services will be featured on the first page?


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Buying featured is for every service separately. You can feature service on front page or on category page. It's kind of hard to get available spot for front page featured because there is limited slots available and most of the time they are sold out. However you would need to feature every service separately and pay for each service.

Nice to see that you are looking for way to improve your sales and featuring service is really good way to do it. Wish you best of luck with your further sales and business at Seoclerks!

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How can I tell if the position is about to expire. Thank you

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only one service is featured and other service are normal and after one month its will be removed from featured list. you have to choice best service for featuerd because its costly.

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Hi danigo thanks for your question. I am using SEO clerks several service last some years and specially I used 2 permanent featured service for my 2 services for good amount for each month. So, I never can use all service at a time as permanent featured. So, it is meaning that your purchased only will applicable for one service for 1 featured. If you buy 2, you can featured 2 services. So, you may understand you can featured for particular service for each purchased. If you buy permanent featured service, you can change any one services for any time for any service for permanent featured. But only will show one on front page

Regards by Ajlancer

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Hey danigo. No, buying the feature service gig will only work for one of your services (you choose which one).
Never the less, being on the front page of SEOclerks every day for 30 days can get you tons of orders if you offer the right service.

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