
I read this and it caught my attention

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I read this and it caught my attention

So I happen to be browsing around on the web and I came a cross some thing that really caught my attention.

I was reading how social media has impacted society and the article I was reading went on to mention how social media is impacting the free lance community.

And, this article mentions how independent labor is fairly new to the economy and what not and that social media does in fact have a impact on free lance and that it is expected that independent work force will multiply up to 70 million by 2020. Now I'm not sure on the accuracy of the numbers but I wouldn't doubt it. Any thoughts on this kind of growth effecting the freelance market and how much of a part do you actually think social media plays in this growth ?


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I'm actually not surprised that more and more people are thinking about becoming full time online freelancers. Just think of how many people wash out already, it will probably be similar in 2020 I read this and it caught my attention

The amount of online marketers and freelancers has definitely increased since I've started and I think it's due to all the "Get Rich Quick" schemes that show a check with a ridiculously high number on it. When someone who is eager to make money online sees something like that they're more than likely to sign up. They usually get burned because the service is crappy and then they say how working online is impossible. I personally like seeing reviews on how someone washed out, I don't like that they are struggling, but I do like that more people read that message and decide not to become my competition I read this and it caught my attention I want everyone in the world to be happy and wealthy, but if you're my future competition and you could possibly be taking food off of my table, I probably won't help you out. Now if someone just wants a website for their own purposes or their company, that's different.

Another thing is that there are a lot of lay offs in the USA and that creates a lot of people looking for a source of income. I'm sure some of those people who get laid off are looking to become a freelancer online. Normally they start with writing articles for a profit and then they branch out from there. So when we have 1,000,000 writers, it's only a matter of time before everyone is fighting for a single clients I read this and it caught my attention

It's good for the clients, bad for us lol.

I'm hoping your numbers are wrong haha I read this and it caught my attention

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I can see that this does raise issues for those of us already involved in free lance more completion in the field could definitely be extra stress added in trying to run your business I do believe it has a lot to do with those get rich quick schemes also people will be for anything if you sell it to them properly and those get rich quick schemes really are the ones to set high hopes for a lot and a lot of negative feed back comes from the disappointed and it is sad cause these people blame every thing else for hurting themselves it doesn't make sense

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You mentioned:
does raise issues for those of us already involved in free lance more completion in the field

Did you mean that it would raise issues for those in terms of competition not completion as stated in the quoted text? If so, than you're definitely correct. I mean, seventy million freelancers who are working online? Perhaps freelancing will evolve by this time, and freelancing will be easier to those whom haven't grasped it in the past?

With technology progressing, and the need for people to have things done even remotely, surely it would make competition really hard even for those that have been doing it for years.

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I am not surprised to hear this. Since everything moving to online, from our social lives, dating, shopping etc. it's quiet normal that business will force more online sales, while it will involve more freelancing and probably involve more people in freelancing day by day. This however doesn't worry me. 70 million freelancers is still not so huge number i guess when we talking about worldwide market, but i guess that freelancing will involve more ways to make money online, because online trading is growing every day and there is also more and more need for different tasks to be done, which could be only by freelancers.

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Freelancing as we all know has various benefits. Thus, no wonder that more and more people are embracing this relatively new concept of earning money. In time there is no doubt that the number of freelancers is going to increase as time goes by, and with social media this is going to be much easier as advertising and targeting more and more people can be rendered so much easier as well as cheaper when compared to traditional methods. The main issue is whether there are ever going to be too many freelancers, and so if we are going to have too much supply and too little demand?

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This is the current trend and its likely to continue. I have also seen big companies offering their employees to work from home which is quite similar to freelancing. I think this is because now days companies are afraid to lose quality workforce. Also I am quite sure eventually skilled workforce will opt for freelancing as it will give them more freedom.

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Yes Jkeyz2 I am not at all surprised if that is the case, the way of the world is that people are more and more starting to work from home.

I think though that what needs to be clarified here is what type of freelancers was the article talking about? I have read plenty of articles that are saying how the growing trend now is for people to be working from home instead of going into an office. Surely these numbers are referring to people that are doing other freelance jobs? Take bookkeeping for example, there are so many more people working from home doing bookkeeping online using cloud services as opposed to bookkeepers working from home that would physically collect your books.

Legal services can also be done online and via Skype etc. I think those figures are referring to all types of careers being done online freelance style now, not just SEO services. This would in fact mean more work for SEO freelancers wouldn't it, not less.

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I think the more people decide to do things online, the more people that will be hired. Some people are scared that the internet and robotics will take away from jobs, however it'll actually help them. For every online business that is created, there is about 10 to 50 job openings. This figure can decrease or increase due to the companies product or service. For instance, Facebook employees around 13,000 people globally. Google has a bout 25,000 employees globally.

So there is gonna be a lot of jobs, however not many people will have diplomas, or certifications to fill them. That's when it can get a bit tricky. We are already seeing this now. Some freelancers are way better than those fresh out of college, and a lot of companies look for a degree, and do not care if you freelance.

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Yes I know, a lot of companies are looking for qualifications, a piece of paper, for both online and offline positions. Wouldn't it be much better to rather get applicants to take an aptitude test in the related industry to see how well they can do the job instead of ask for proof of a little piece of paper?

I would much rather hire someone based on either their experience and knowledge of the industry, or even possibly their ability to learn new things and a good work ethic than a wet behind the ears person with a piece of paper that says they can do the job!

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Possibly in the future there will come a time where a diploma is not looked upon as such. It's very interesting to see a person fresh out of college programming for a company. Especially if a freelance programmer sent in an application that is perfect but don't have a degree.

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I met a young man recently, maybe 19 or 20 years old and he told me very proudly that he has just gotten his diploma in online marketing.

I told him that is really awesome because it is a great industry to be in, I know because I work online. He then told me very proudly that he has been taught "the secret code". I asked what secret code and he said the secret code that will get any webpage to instantly rank number one on Google.

I asked him oh for what keywords? He said, no silly the whole website.

I told him he has a lot to learn and he gave me one of those teenagers smirks that says he knows waaayyyyyy more than I do. Oh dear right?

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Freelancing is the name of the game now and even if they wouldn’t admit, that’s the direction we are going into. In the olden days, they were laughing off the blogs because bloggers are just fancy but amateur writers. Now the bloggers can be likened to journalists regardless if they have good grammar or not. With freelancing, it will be the standard employment in 5 years time which means 30% of the people are into freelancing whether full time or part time.

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