
How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

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How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

I've noticed this trend for at least that last month or so.

How come no one is giving a positive rating to people in the Community Discussion for posting something useful or educational?

On the first page of the Community Discussion I think there are 3 positive ratings on 3 different topics, which is pretty low considering how many comments there are on some of these topics. I'm not including the sticky post because that stays at the top and more people are clicking on that than the topics that get rotated off of the first page.

I can't say I'm not at fault of this as well, I've given a thumbs up or positive rating here and there, but I know I should be doing it more than I am. I've read plenty of great information and forgot to show props to the poster. But how come this is happening?

I've seen plenty of people get thumbs up or positive ratings on their comments on great discussions, but not the discussions themselves. If I went through a popular discussion I could probably tally up 10+ positive ratings on comments when the main post has none, and that's sad.

We need to change this, but how? We need to give credit where credit is due. I think that if you want to give a thumbs up to the Original Poster on additional info he or she added as a comment, that's fine. But you should also show some love on the first post and give a thumbs up How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

Giving the original post a thumbs up is like give the person who posted it a pat on the back and saying "Good job". It literally costs you nothing to show someone you liked their discussion, so go do it lol How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

- Razzy


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Was beginning to feel like I was the only one liking them How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?.

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lol you might have been How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

I like some posts here and there, but I too am one of the people that haven't been liking a lot of them. I do like a decent amount of comments on the posts, but not the original post itself which I should be. People usually take their time to write up these posts, especially the tutorials, and they should get a like if it's well written How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

I personally thank you reyubskrelcoes for thanking posts, you're the trend setter here since not many people have been doing it How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

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Do not feel to bad razzy I too am one of those guys who legit shoots past the like and dislike buttons like I could not see them a lot of times I get so involved in what ever I am reading and do not even give it a second thought it is some thing though that I am going to make getting in to a habit with, I like to show support and if this is another form of added support to my peers then hey why not I trust to make sure I give an honest rate when I do

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By all means keep liking it up man shoot if anything feel free to like some of my old stuff too lol nah but seriously it is good to see there are those of us who take the time too out that little extra effort to show support in things like giving your opinion and putting in a rating on a post even a thumbs down is not always a bad thing it shows people are paying attention and that they are understanding what is being discussed to be able to choose whether they agree or not shows a lot more then you think

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I love this post and I think that I am a regular thumbs up type of person. I don't know why but if I like something I almost always give a thumbs up on it.

I also love adding smiley faces everywhere I go too. It makes the world a happier place. How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion? see?

But seriously these thumbs up and down are there for a reason so let's use them.

On a note related to this, something I find annoying is having to scroll up after I have read a post, especially a very long one, so I can go and give a thumbs up. I believe adding a thumbs up and down at the end of the posts/ comments too will encourage more use of them?

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I actually seem to find myself downvoting, and upvoting posts.. more downvoting because maybe I'm too biased on certain topics? I don't know.. However I always upvote your posts, Razzy, so just know that. ;)

I think some users are just too lazy, and only come here from the daily bump they get from posting, and don't even bother to use the Community Discussion to it's full potential, which actually can drive sales for sellers, and help buyers find new sellers. Also, you have to take into consideration the amount of traffic the community discussion gets on a day to day basis.

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Good point. I am also surprised that more users doesn't involve in discussions because it can be great sales booster. It's true that direct self-promotion is not allowed here, but after we have our usernames and avatars linked to our sales stores (unlike old forum) i believe it's good thing to be active on CD.

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Yes, potential future sellers, what i call them, will remember seeing you around the site. They may not know who you are, but will have some sort of remembrance of you.

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It's working lol How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

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Ya, i don't think it should be allowed to upvote, or downvote your own comments, or discussions.. Im wondering if this is site wide, and not just an option for moderators.. would probably have to check with another account or just the admins.. lol

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I know personally when I read post or articles I tend to catch my self zooming past those like and dislike buttons , and I'm one of those people who tend to be really active in conversations so it's not that I am not into what I read cause I wouldn't be part of the discussion it's just it honestly slips my mind , I know speaking for my self i have to be able to get myself more in the habit of hitting like on things I guess I'm going to have to treat every thing like face book lol

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Hi Razzy thanks for your nice post. I agree with you. It is huge encouragement if original poster get at least few thumbs up rating. Or, if reader leave thumbs down rating. Than poster can realize how well he job done? And next time he will try to more effective post. But, unfortunately many readers ignore it to leave a simple click on thumbs up or thumbs down. Actually it is up to reader. We cannot impose any rules on them. As per as I think, reader may be missed to rated due to one reason, when they read the post and down in the part he may going to leave opinion immediately and leave as comments. So, I think this is one kind of rating either symbolic rating.

Good to see that you also getting few thumbs up for this post. Your effort may be bit success.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Yes Razzy you are right - I noticed it too. It is quite strange considering that various comments made to the post are then rated. I guess we should all make it a point to vote/rate on the original post, before commenting on it. Sometimes I think it is all a matter of reading the post, and then scrolling down to see what others had to say so as to see if you agree with them, and then you start typing your reply and forget all about rating the original post. This happens to me too to be honest.

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Well good question and debate about this matter. I guess it's just not very common to vote for posts or replays here on community discussions. I do vote. Not all the time, but very often. It should be like some sort of motivation boost to some quality posters so i would call to everyone to really use voting. It's just click away and not time consuming, so we all could start in doing it more when there is some quality discussion and specially on quality tutorials. It's kind of rewarding to original poster and let's do it, all of us How come no one gives the Original Poster a positve rating in the Community Discussion?

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That's a good eye you have there Razzy.. I've actually never thought of this at all. However, I agree with everything you've said.

A person who shares a useful "How To" tutorial for instance, should be awarded with some thumbs up, as long as people likes the content. One shouldn't like anything just for the sake of it. Make sure to leave a thumbs up on content you like. That said, a person who asks a simple question like: "How do I make money on SEOClerks" shouldn't get these thumbs ups, as the question doesn't contain anything of value. The replies however, would probably contain accurate and solid information, so that should be liked!

Best Regards,

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