
How does evey one deal with being under pressure?

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How does evey one deal with being under pressure?

i know a lot times you find your self swamped with work, i do trust me. And, as much as i try to make sure I get a lot done there are days that the work seems more then usual and that is normal. But what about working under a deadline? Have you ever been backed up knowing that you needed something to be done by a certain time and you know you are behind? How did you manage yourself in order to pull it off and any tips for any one else out there who has trouble with deadlines ?


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Working with deadlines can get frustrating if you procrastinate in the beginning because you have XX amount of days to complete it and it's easy to do. I've underestimated projects before and pushed the start date a couple weeks because I thought I could get it done in a few days. I had a few SEO clients and I wanted to get their on page optimization done right away to see what the movement would be before I played with the off page optimization. I shouldn't have done this because I give monthly ranking reports and my clients want to see a big increase right at the start. I had 3 weeks of rank movement from the off page optimization and only 1 week or less of the off page optimization. Now we all know that on page can only bring you so far without doing almost no off page optimization. My client had plenty of high rankings, but they didn't see any of their keywords at #1 and they got pretty pissed off lol. I told them exactly what I was doing as I was doing it throughout the week, but they didn't care, they wanted all their keywords at #1 in 30 days or I guess they didn't plan on signing up again. It didn't matter that I told them that this could take up to 6 months to see any first page rankings How does evey one deal with being under pressure?

I pushed off the start of the off page optimization and I shouldn't have. I had a huge amount of pressure on me for that last week and it was more stressful than I could imagine lol. Ever since then I do the on page optimization the first week and start the off page optimization the second week so that I have a few weeks of data to show the client.

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yea i can see what you mean, procrastination can really mess you up especially if you are easily distracted, there is really no denying that it makes things a whole lot more stressful when you procrastinate , there were plenty of times i have thought to myself taking a few days off before i start and i can say from experience that every time i did decide to actually follow through and hold off on doing some thing i only sent myself back honestly i found my self at times just playing catch up being behind on work it is never a good thing to do

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When you are overwhelmed it is better sometimes to just kick back and do what you normally do to relax for awhile.Also never bite off more than you can chew as the saying goes lol!

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Sometimes the more you try to work, the more stressed out you get, and instead of going faster you go slower. So I agree with you that at times it is better to stop, have a 20 minute break - such as go for a walk, watch a short video, play a game - whatever helps you relax a bit. Then as you feel more refreshed you will be able to focus more and be more efficient. Dealing with pressure is something that everyone is going to handle differently but I find that proper planning and breaks are of essence.

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oh yea well a twenty minute break of course that is fine you know but when you hear kick back it sounds like a few hours i just really do not think it is too great of an idea to stop working for a longer amount of time i feel wasted time like that would really be a set back especially if you are dealing with more then usual on your plate it just is not a good idea , of course take a break rest your mind real quick but make sure to get right back to it full force

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Ya good point but I find usually a few hours maybe even a day sometimes really does do it for me lol! Like my bass player in my band tells me step back from the computer lol! Quite honestly people have to wait until I am ready to deal with them. Or else people will run you ragged over a dollar if they know they can control you.

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yea i really agree with that you never want to bite off more then you can chew at all, it can be the worst adding too much un necessary weight on your shoulders , theres is no doubt a bout it you are going to be overwhelmed with work if you go in to a project with a lot more work then you know you are comfortable dealing with i do not recommend kicking back in those situations though if you happened to bite off more the you then you can chew you want to work as much as you can

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When it come to freelance and being under the clock I usually handle the situation extremely well, from my point view.
The pressure really focuses me on completing the job and will also stimulate my creative flow, finishing the job in time and at a good quality rate.
Same goes for my real work, I don't really lose myself but I do burn out at some point when the stress and lack of sleep accumulates.

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yea man i like that , i like how you said it matters on how you manage to stimulate your creative flow i believe without the proper stimulation that you would not be able to get any thing done in the first place, i also believe it goes hand and hand with you motivation for said project , of course you never want go through a lack of sleep you know i find myself working late from time too time and it helps that i have a free lance profession so i can take those well needed naps i don't burn out working crazy hours

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Deadlines may seem to be the number one problem when you are really busy. Deadlines can be extended slightly if a buyer accepts that, and if you have a valid reason why you are not going to complete the work in time. However the request more time option is not to be abused and misused. Ultimately it would affect your response time as well as your reputation. But when it was the only way out I resorted to it. Otherwise I try to plan my week in advance so as to assign work and orders as reasonably as possible and to stick to deadlines.

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yea of course i believe that it makes sense that you know if you have a legit reason on why you you are going to have to push things back it is up to you to discuss so with the buyer, and that makes a lot more sense the spending the time just sitting kicking back and procrastinating telling your self and only letting your self know that your not going to get started at the time you had originally planned to get started with every thing that you have to do as far as work goes, you want to really avoid that

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Usually my buyers are fine with slight delays, and that is the kind of buyers you want How does evey one deal with being under pressure?

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Yes, I believe that as long as you always do your best to be on time, regular buyers will understand a slight delay at times. It is something that sometimes you just cannot avoid, such as when you are sick.

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When I am in pressure, I do work more slowly and this actually puts me in more pressure making me work even slower and this turns into an indefinite cycle. Therefore, I try to take a rest whenever I am in pressure and try to relax. I then try to find solutions to the problem so I can complete everything in time. Something I like to do in these situations is to outsource excess work to other freelancers. Yes, that means that I make less profit but at least I don’t lose my reputation by late delivery and this is the best option in the long term.

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yea i noticed i have similar tenancies , when i am in a rush or find my self in a rush i feel it is harder too focus on everything that i have going on especially when i work late and i am going off little sleep the tired feeling really can drag a person down, i do not out source to much but it is a smart move to lesson up the work the only thing is paying that extra money in doing something you probably could do your self and loosing out on that extra cash, but it can save you from a bad rep no doubt

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Good point but sometimes putting out that extra cash eases your mind so you can perform your other duties more effectively leading to possibly more cash with less stress in the end.

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When I am under pressure I go into like a panic attack mode. I try to get a lot of stuff done in so little time only to find out that the work I did was horribly done, and at the time thought I was making progress. Then I have to redo all the work, and experience even more pressure which is an indefinite cycle as well. So I can totally relate in this aspect.

I have so many things I need to get done, so I just come here to chat and rewind. It's pretty great talking to friends on the Community Discussion. How does evey one deal with being under pressure?

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I know exactly what you are talking about I use to operate that way and I still slip back into that mind frame at times if I don't guard against it. I always remind myself of that old saying haste makes waste I mean that really says it all doesn't it lol?

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I always remind myself of that old saying haste makes waste I mean that really says it all doesn't it lol?

That explains it very well, lol.

I often actually try to safe guard against it as well but sometimes so much builds up at one time and it's hard to get everything done, so you want it done as quickly as possible.. lol As I said, for me, it's a neverending cycle.. haha. Hopefully I can learn to manage the time more wisely, or not take orders during those times.

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I'm always calm under pressure, and try to find better ways that I can proffer solution to the issue at hand instead of acting as if the world would end soon. I don't see the need to feel pressurized to deliver on a work.

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In my previous work assignment in our office, I was always under pressure because handling projects is a stressful job. What I would always do is to take a warm bath before dinner and have a body massage. I am lucky to have a massage parlor near our home that it is convenient to call a massage therapist for a 1 hour session. That massage really soothes my body and mind that I feel so refreshed on the next morning.

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