
Could AI (Artificial Intelligence) Replace Your Job as a Freelancer or SEO?

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Could AI (Artificial Intelligence) Replace Your Job as a Freelancer or SEO?

AI is getting smart. Really smart. AI isn't the future, AI is here now. And it is set to replace many roles from web design, to doctors, psychologists and therapist, to journalists to accountants and even office managers and online marketers and freelancers. That is because AI is so smart that it's been fed every single thing it needs to know on how to do the things that these roles do. Example being doctors and psychologists who reach a decision on treatment or medication diagnosis being able to issue the correct medication/treatment without a doctor needing be present.

The same can be said for other roles that AI can replace and even think for itself and that includes web design, journalism, SEO and Internet Marketing. If the AI knows what sort of things you need to do to rank a site, it could go out, buy the domain and hosting, install the site and then do research and post high quality articles to the site and then go about doing SEO and SMO on that site. If it knows how to do it, it can.

If you check out this article I came across this today on 10 jobs that A.I. and chatbots are poised to eventually replace. Some of the AI tech that will replace web design / developers is The Grid which takes the designing, coding, re-designing, and re-coding (not to mention the re-re-designing) out of the hands of both web designers and web developers. Based on simple pointers, it can turn a business’ idea and a few photos into a marketing masterpiece, and it makes changes based on human feedback. This is both exciting and a scary prospect for web designers / developers who's job may never exist again.

And the AI tech that couple completely replace your job as a freelancer or SEO that can generate pitches for advertising campaigns and create personalized messages to target individual clients and move them to action. With an A.I. that’s been taught everything there is to know about persuasion techniques, a new AI engine called Persado is something that Freelancers, SEOs and SMO's ought to be wary of!

Imagine an AI so sophisticated that it knew about every single possible SEO method and could even work out the best ones for itself. One that find and identify all manner of high quality links and link building campaigns based on all the how-to videos and guides on the Internet and being able to learn at geometric rate. One that all you had to do is input one keyword or several keywords and from that it do everything that needs to be done to make a high authority, profitable and lucrative website. All while maintaining everything and all without anyone even lifting a finger.

I guess in that sense then, if you merged The Grid with Persado, it could be a very extremely damaging thing for a lot of web designers, SEO/SMOs and freelancers all around the world as it could basically put you clean out of a job! At the same time, it could also go on to prove to be an extremely valuable and helpful thing for people.

What do you think about AI replacing your role/job as a freelancer?

Do you think AI will go on to improve even more than this?

I think it will! More than we realize.

What do you think?


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I have had dreams for the last 20 years along the same lines of your thoughts. Yes, social media can be all smoke and mirrors and the internet can be also. Robots making music groups,politicians,celebrities and such look famous at the click of a mouse lol. Hard work to actually get famous can be now be replaced by some robot that makes you look famous lol.

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It is creepy to think that a machine / robot / program can replace you. Unfortunately there are various jobs that have already been replaced, such as in factories. But to think that skilled jobs such as programming could be replaced is something that I just cannot stand. If you consider that many of these people worked very hard to get where they got, with courses and exams and so on, I just cannot agree that sometime they could end up losing their job. I find that hurtful to be honest, and no matter what if I were to be an employer I would always opt for humans.

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Interesting Stuff!
"University of Oxford associate professor Michael Osborne, then robots will replace 47 percent of all jobs by the year 2035.

If you want to stay employed by then, you better think about a career shift into software development, higher level management or the information sector. Those professions are only at a 10 percent risk of replacement by robots, according to Osborne. By contrast, lower-skilled jobs in the accommodation and food service industries are at a 87 percent risk, transportation and warehousing are at a 75 percent risk and real estate at 67 percent. The researcher warns that driverless cars, burger-flipping robots and other automatons taking over low-skilled jobs is the way of the future."

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I hope programming won't be replaced by humans, I mean it takes a human to program things, yes? However, in the future there will apparently be self replicating, and self programmable robots. That sounds so creepy. Would you like a world ran by self replicating and self programmable robots? I would not. Not no way.

The future seems a little scary in that aspect but very beneficial at the same time. I just hope my job isn't replaced by inorganic matter that some dude programmed in his parents basement or garage. Thankfully this is going to occur in the way out in the future, i hope.

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Stephen Hawking warns "artificial intelligence could end humanity" & "Artificial intelligence could be a real danger in the not too distant future." There is an open letter signed by a lot of very prominent scientists who are pushing for responsible AI oversight in order to mitigate risks. AI could have many up sides for humanity but the downsides could destroy us all. If you read about the dangers you'll have a bad feeling about what could happen. I too believe that we should continue research but also worry that once someone has a majority of control of and AI tech, there will always be someone who does not use it for good.

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Damns, scary stuff. But overall, ain't gonna happen soon. And you still need people to generate ideas, create custom reports and in essence to actually do the "thinking".
I think AI can eventually help us with online marketing by doing the time consuming and boring stuff. I wish I had something like this at my workplace, I would have the time to test ideas and develop new campaigns and projects.

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Hi Christian,

AI is already here!

Below are some #YouTube #Videos that you should checkout. BTW: These robots have already worked autonomously to do missions without a human interface. The robots follow their directive to set waypoints, perform the mission and then return back to base. I guess that it would be scary to see a bunch of these coming at you as a wolf pack. There is no reasoning with a robot which is super scary.

US Future Military Robots - DARPA - Boston Dynamics


Big Dog:



MIT cheetah robot lands the running jump:

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it wont happen soon it is a great idea and i do believe that ai can be used as a tool if programmed right we can take full advantage of every thing but i dont think that ai it self could go around just taking jobs that wouldn't happen it would have to be a movie script for so many people to loose there jobs to artificial intelligence you know you just have to be smart about it, besides like i said i dont think the development is that far ahead we have plenty of years to go in all honesty

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Until there it's very possible to start WW3, and the internet will be the 1st 3rd millennium feature downed by electronic warfare...

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In near future AI will play very important role in our Life, but with great technology great disadvantage will also come with AI.

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I think it depends on the job. I know that AI is very much here and will start taking over a lot. This does pose a lot of risk for humanity and I think it can take over a lot... but not everything. I just can't see how a computer or machine will be able to replace everything people do.

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exactly lynne i just dont understand how this would take over to that extent dont get me wrong i acknowledge the power it holds AI can play a real big part but come on now this is not I robot and we are not will smith if this were too happen i dont believe it would happen in our life time too much people that need to work the last thing that humanity will allow it self to do is let AI take up jobs i feel it would be a set back , you already have a lot of people doing nothing for them selves there is no need to add more.

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Very good point you've made. Artificial Intelligence certainly will pose a problem when it starts taking over a lot of people's jobs but what about the personal aspect of things? What about the things that require human interaction?

Also artificial intelligence won't be able to match the creativity and ingenuity of the human brain, never.

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then we have to get into "Human Rights" aspects. What if we humans don't want a robot to do our own work. What if we want to do the work in which we studied for, etc? How can human rights play into this?

I would tend to think that it'll be nice to have robots at your side, but when do we draw the line? How do we know when we should stop? Ever seen Caprica, or Battlestar Galactia? They are both shows that depict AI, and what could happen. The shows are very interesting, and I love them. Do check them out sometime if you have access to TV shows. Could AI (Artificial Intelligence) Replace Your Job as a Freelancer or SEO?

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Well if robots take over everything how will humans survive? We will be completely redundant wouldn't we? LOL

Yes human rights, I would prefer to have a person doing jobs for me.

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Or maybe every person gets their own robot and that robot works and makes an income for the human? Damn that is not a comfortable feeling LOL

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i would have to say no on this i mean yea do not get me wrong AI is becoming a thing but i do not think it can replace people there is no way not in free lance at least, people need to work in order to survive and those of us that free lance work for our selves now i do not know about any one else but i do not plan on letting AI replace me or my work ,im here to stay man , i feel if anything we would probably use it as a tool in our work.

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Well if Artifical Intelligence was a thing, and was widely available I think it would decrease population. Seems odd, but think about it.

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Maybe in the near future, AI will much advanced that freelancing work will be easier with the automation. Especially with the data entry jobs, some work can be relegated to the AI. But with freelancing, I don’t think AI can replace freelancers especially those content providers of forums like me. How can the AI fully understand what the discussion is all about? And how can it compose a legitimate and sensible reply when the topic is about current events that the AI was not programmed for?

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