
How does competition effect you?

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How does competition effect you?

Writing is great! You can always be as creative as you want when it comes to writing correct? Well i want to know how you guys feel about competition some times when you write you know people have similar i ideas and that is normal, so when you see that you find your self talking about the same thing or promoting the same service as some one else how do you react to the sense of competition at this point? Does it make you want to work harder and do you use it as motivation or do you let it set you back? Does it make you feel as if your not doing enough, i want to know.


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I usually try my best to be unique when it comes to writing. When I'm writing about something I try no to read the "competition" as it will influence my own original ideas so I keep to myself and do my best in creating good content.

Then again, if the niche is difficult and people that already wrote about that subject are clearly way better than me I tend no to embarrassed myself by writing on the same subject.

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ah i see i like that so if i understand correctly you like to take care of you business first and really just try to zone your self out so that you do not get influenced and feel like your taking from other peoples ideas , i like how you think cause you also say that if people wrote better then you then at that point it does not even phase you any more so you take in to understanding that you writing is your own and you are not easily influenced to go based off of how some one set up there ideas

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Well yeah, I cannot compete with some top level experts in some fields, so, I won't go out of my way to create weaker content. For example SEO, I do write content on SEO, but I also check if certain subjects were already discussed and how recently.

Because if Rand Fishkin for example, talked and made an article 1 month ago about the same subject I want to tackle, I'm going to find a different subject, it's very hard to compete against him, especially if he is right and I have the same ideas about that subject. I will end up repeating myself with lower quality content.

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One should always acknowledge the fact that competition is real and so look out for ways to be better or comfortable they way they're.

To compete favourably one as to look for ways to be unique and outstanding. when you bring in innovation and creativity into one you offer,you would not lack clients or customers,so no need to be afraid of competition.

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What is most important is that when you sit down to write you focus on being unique. As long as you do that, and also make sure you are writing in a way that is fluent - that is in proper english or the language you use - so that whoever reads it understands it and feels inclined to read more and possibly share it too. Yes there is always going to be competition but every writer has his style and that makes him unique.

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I think that competition is good for many reasons and i don't mind competition or competitors. It just help to build better quality of anyones work done. Sometime competitors inspire me and by researching their work and efforts i get better idea how i could do something better or faster. Only thing about competitions i don't like is when someone bitting you with lower and lower rates and charges, and specially these when it hit the rock bottom of $1, for me that's ridiculous and it doesn't really benefit anyone, me or competitor, it's only killing each other business and i never take part in competing like that

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You made a good point there. Having competition actually helps you to be more motivated, pay more attention to the quality of your work, and also work even harder. If there weren't any competitors you would start to reduce your quality automatically most probably because there is no real need to maintain that high standard or uniqueness. So ultimately it is a healthy thing to have. The fact that there are many who charge ridiculous prices does not put me off either because often a good number of buyers sense that probably there is something wrong, such as inexperience or unprofessionality.

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I like to see what other people are writing, for sure, but I also like to live in my own little bubble in a way.

There are billions of people online and this pie is massive, I just need one tiny little piece of the pie. I think that with hard work and dedication I can easily carve out my own little place online.

I like what Mike said too, that competition inspires him. This is a lovely way to look at it.

You know no matter what you do in life you are always competing with others, I don't let it get to me at all. I just do my own thing.

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I love competition, yes it's great for inspiration, but it's very great to set the bar. Without competition there wouldn't be many alternatives. You'd be very bored or at least I would be. I tend to enjoy competition. In the programming world, competition is very chaotic, code is always changing, methods are changing, it's a never ending type of thing.

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Before the digital age, I once had joined a writing competition by a Japanese organization. The topic is the positive effect of computer on people's lives. Take note that there was no internet yet and I had to write using pen and paper for the draft and the final version has to be typewritten which was not as easy as now. With the competition in mind, I did what I could particularly with the research particularly interviews of people with relevant jobs. And since it is a contest, you really need luck. I did not win the grand prize but as a consolation, I was given a technical dictionary which was valuable at the time.

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I think for me it affected financially. I know many who did better content than me. Some were posting my content on their site. And this way I had my set of the tangents. And so the competition had a lot of effect on my growth. So that can be something worth thinking about. You may notice that competition for some people can be harder if they choose wish to scale the website business. But based on what I have noticed it's possible to see such competition though.

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Competiton to me is like a boost that makes me want to work more since my working would result in making more money as well. What I really look forward to is a way to improve my writing in any way possible so as to be able to compete with the best in the industry that I am.

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