
Do you use HDD or SSD for your Computer?

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Do you use HDD or SSD for your Computer?

Currently I’m using 3 hdds separated from each other, main hdd which is (160GB) has only system on it and softwares that I’m using.

2 other hdds are to keep my data safe, if main hdd become corrupt or if something happens to it. Personally I’ve bad experience with hdd, and I’m thinking to switch to ssd, they are better and faster than hdd, but a little bit more expensive, so I need to save some money for them.

What are you using HDD or SSD? And what’s your experience with them?


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SSD. I have a Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB. I will NEVER go back to HDD again. Never in my life. I would rather throw my whole computer and go back to GameBoy instead of using an HDD again. I push the start button and my computer is literally booted in like 7 seconds. The whole thing. In Windows. Loading screens in games are also decreased by MINUTES. I bet you save like an hour per day if you're playing something like GTA V for a few hours. Just because you reduce the loading time.

Go grab an SSD. Do it. Just DO IT.

Best Regards,

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HDD... SSD... ??

Damn well I have a computer and a laptop. They have screens and a keyboard to type on. I know the laptop has HDD because it broke and I had to have it replaced.

What is SSD?? I only recently found out that my HDD is my hard drive so go easy on me and explain it like you would to a 5 year old.

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Short for Solid-State Drive or Solid-State Disk, SSD is a drive that uses non-volatile memory as a means of storing and accessing data, much like computer RAM.

Okay, that wasn't easy I suppose.. Let's say this. If you boot your computer, from the time you press the power button to the time you can actually do something on your computer. Like open up chrome or whatever. Let's say this takes you about 35-50 seconds or so.. If you had used an SSD instead, you would have done that in 10 seconds.

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OK yes the first explanation wasn't really suitable for a 5 year old now was it? Too big words and stuff.

Ok so I like that, being able to start working quicker after booting up. That I can understand. Super fast... yay I'm sold.

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I was also thinking of getting SSD in future. At the moment i am using external HDD 500 Gb for my backups and it does serve me well same as my internal HDD but better is better Do you use HDD or SSD for your Computer? It also depend what you are storing on your drives, like photos, doc files or something bigger...

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Presently I rely on hard drives, but I do own a small SSD, though I rarely use it. In the future, when prices come down I might switch to SSDs for data storage, but I will probably still have some hard drives for scratch purposes.

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Hi procoder thaks for your question. I am still using HDD for my all computers. And I get backup all of my importance file on my external 1TB DELL HDD. Still I think it is good enough for me. And you know maximum people still do not know about solid-state drive (SSD) feature and here also I never see anybody used such device. But, I think as new technology that should come in here as soon as possible and I must get one SSD for future use. Though! I am not clear very much about SSD feature and how many differences between both devices? But I guess that will be more fast for data transfer than HDD.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I’m using a SSD as my primary storage which is 120GB and have a secondary HDD storage which is 1TB. I use two operating systems on dual boot and they are both on my SSD. I normally use SSD for programs because an SSD is many times fasters than the traditional HDD. However, it is too expensive to do everything on an SSD so I store files and run less important files on my HDD. Personally, after switching from HDD to SSD, I see a great rise in speed and I will never go back to a traditional HDD anymore.

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I switched from a 750GB HDD to a Samsung 250GB SSD 2 months ago. I can safely say I have a totally different laptop, it's like I bought brand new one. Everything is "instant". I also upgraded from 4GB of RAM to 8 GB.
As for the old HDD, I've connected that bad boy to my Asus router and transformed it into a storage cloud. I can access that cloud from anywhere anytime, even with my mobile phone. I basically have my own dropbox. Definitely recommend the switch to SSD.

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We are in the process of buying a new computer. It is a laptop this time, an HP 348. It is offered on a promo so the configuration is fixed otherwise the promo price will not apply. It has 1 hdd only and maybe we will add an SSD because we are interested in its quality and speed of access. However, the cost may be an issue so more likely we are going to bide time until the SSD goes on sale.

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Well I'm old school and that means I've got an old upgraded pc near the end of its life and an old laptop which always gets broken so I'm using both hard drives. I haven't used any sdd's before so I can't comment on it. All I know is that it's way faster than hard drives and a lot more expensive.

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