
iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

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iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

So, for as long as I can remember, there has always been this huge debate on which phone is better. My wife and I have gone through our share of phones over the years....LOL My wife started off with an iPhone 3, hahaha one of the first ones! When it first came out, she loved everything about it...but then something changed and I don't know if it was an IOS or software update but she was not a fan of the iPhone anymore. It was slower, it was choppy. She then switched over to the android market and got her first Samsung Galaxy....S3! She absolutely loved it, it was fast, the screen was bigger and it was easier to navigate. Now, let me tell you, she has never switched back to the iPhone, she now has the Samsung Galaxy S7 and always says my phone is trash! (I have the iphone 6) Ha ha ha! She loves the fact that the screen is super big, it's lighweight and fast, is water resistant, and the battery life is amazing!

So my question to you folks is...
IPhone or Galaxy??
Which is better?

I thought this would be a good debate, seeing as how my wife and I always go back and forth on whose phone is better!!! LOL


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I have used both iphones as well as Samsung galaxy smartphones, and even tablets from both brands. I feel that they both have their pros and cons, but one of the main things I want to point out is the fact that throughout my experience with Samsung devices, there always seems to be one huge problem - the battery gets depleted sooo quickly. I just cannot stand this as I need to charge it practically every day. Other than that I like most of the other things about Samsung, and generally speaking I think I would vote for it rather than iphones.

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I definitely agree with the older versions of the galaxy about the battery life, with the S7 though, they revamped that aspect of their issues. The battery is significantly bigger than all other galaxy phones and has proved to me to be better! A lot of the battery depletion has to do with whatever apps you have running as well, just because their not open and your other using them doesn't mean they are not running!!!

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Oh yes I charge my Samsung Galaxy every single day and when I went on a little trip recently I used the GPS on the phone. It took 2 hours from completely charged to me having to turn my phone off in case the battery went completely dead and I might need it for an emergency. I have to admit I was quite annoyed.

I have never had an iphone or used one before so I honestly can't compare.

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I've never really been a fan of apple or Google, but I do have to say that the Samsung Galaxy with android everything inside it is much better than the iPhone anything iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

I always saw anything Apple as a fad that people only buy because someone else told them to do it and they didn't really do the research on it prior. I don't like how you are pretty much restricted to use all things apple when you get an iPhone. On my Galaxy I can download anything I want and play around with the operating system if I wanted. Yes, I have turned a couple of my phones into paper weights because I was messing with them too much, but it was a learning experience lol iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

Now I may be bias because I've never owned an iPhone, but I've always hated a mac so owning an iPhone was never in my plans. I've owned the galaxy S3, S4, S5, S6 and soon to be the owner of an S7 because I've never been let down before. I've owned almost every model of the galaxy because I have a tendency to drop my phones. The screens didn't break, I just drop them in places where I can't find them or I just don't have access to them again. For example: If you drop your phone in a lake when you're fishing, you probably won't get it back. And if you do get it back, it most likely won't work anymore lol iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

So in the end I prefer the Samsung Galaxy over the Apple iPhone.

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Ha ha ha yes! I have been an owner of all models of the galaxy too. And I must say, you will definitely love the S7. The battery is significantly bigger than the previous models! Power to the Galaxy! LOL

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Well the iPhone contains innovative technologies that other technological businesses try to replicate. Samsung and Apple have been in competition for awhile now, and they recently patented the curved screen. View the image below:

iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

Now if Apple were to replicate this screen curvature then they might be sued. I'm not too sure what the pros are for a curved screen however it appears to look cool. The iPhone screen doesn't curve.

I'm waiting for when smartphones are just screens, you see the black around the screen? At some point in the future, that black border won't be there. It'll just be the entire screen.

Now back to the debate. I personally like the iPhone better as I have more experience with Apple products. Apple products seem to me, to be quite easy to navigate within the user interface, and if you're not accustomed to other smartphone's UI than it could take a bit to get used to.

Also, the iPhone has so many apps and the apps are forever growing. So I tend to think iPhone is better in my own opinion.

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Awesome Everett! Thank you for your input. I agree as far as the technology and how at some point in the future it will just be a screen. At the rate of the growing technology, I think it may be here sooner than we actually think! LOL As far as the curvature, I think it is a silly concept, it didn't really interest me and would seem hard to protect!

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Yes, I believe the smartphones are just going to be a touch screen, and not include the black border. We are moving away from controls, and everything will be done by the push of a finger, or a swipe, or a shake.. you get what I mean.

I also think not only will smartphones just be a screen, most mobile devices will be just a screen. It appears this is where the technology is going these days.

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Oh yes my hubby has been telling me all about the screen curve. I think this sort of thing is a guy thing? I am not worried if my phone has a curved screen or not iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

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Uncertain why a curved screen would be a guy thing, lol. But to each their own I suppose XD

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The same way my hubby tells me all about the cars he likes. I have no interest lol.

He asks me what I think of a car and I tell him oh its very pretty, its a lively color... and he rolls his eyes at me.

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Next time you should just be like, well in the past I was nice, however since you want my opinions here they are:

The old models in the 1970s were better than the todays models, due to the higher horsepower, and torque. Not to mention the style, which in it's older days was much more better, that is unless you like the round and circular designs of cars today.

The car manufactures of today don't put much effort in under the hood, it's all about the design, but the engine is the car's heart beat. The engines of today are not as good as they were in the past.

Try something like that, and see if he looks at you funny. Or just make stuff up as you go along. Hahah.

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Hahaa Everett you have me giggling now... it would be funny BUT it will encourage him for sure and then I will be hearing about cars non-stop!

He will be so surprised for a little while I think he will be quiet for a little while he will be so gobsmacked he got a response like that.

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My pleasure! iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better?? Ya, either he will stop mentioning cars to you, or he would go on and on about them. But hey, it's what he likes, so you should show a little interest right? Hehehe.

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I don't show enough interest in his eyes, but I honestly muster up as much as I can... you know, in my defence iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

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Hi jkeyz2 thanks for your question. I never used iphone or Samsung series mobile phone or tablet. But my wife has used. I got two bad experience from both mobile phone. For iphone data transfer has very restricted for each other. You never share anything by using Bluetooth, wifi to other brand. Like you cannot transfer date from iphone to Samsung. And here in our country very little amount of user only use iphone.
And for Samsung mobile phone I see lot of user complaint hanging problem. I means system hang very frequently compare with other smart phone.

That is why I use Sony series and now I use Sony xperia c5 ultra dual
iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

Regards by Ajlancer

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oh wow i was not aware sony had smart phones, that is pretty cool man id have look into that i would just like too say you are not lying about the hanging on the galaxy it can be stressful androids are known to crash. but every one i know usually sides with iphone on this one. i appreciate your feed back though

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Hi jkeyz2 I am really astonish after hear from you, you do not aware for Sony smart phone. I think Sony now world leading smart phone seller company. You may know Sony xperia Z series. All xperia Z series most sellable phone in Asia. I do not like iphone or Samsung. Specially Samsung for me very ordinary phone. I never tried to use, because most common problem is system hanging very often. I used Sony xperia c5 ultra dual and it is very fast and slim phone with dual sim. And front and back camera equally 13 Mega pixel. So, it is very handy to me as selfie expert.

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Yes my Samsung Galaxy hangs and it is a new phone. I deleted all the apps and just have Whatsapp and my email on it. I use the camera every now and then but mostly I just text and phone now it works fine.

Adding apps for social media slowed my phone down and made it hang so much I could barely use it..., yes granted I have a lot of social networks and different profiles so I can understand why it took strain.

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Hi Lyne it is not problem with your phone. All Samsung mobile phone getting same type of hanging problem. If you clean the cash or minimize apps, it may run good for temporary. But, not permanent solution for you. I saw my wife phone also working same ways. So, leave it now if possible and choose other brand phone like Sony may best one, if you think as android platform. And considering with Camera, Sony should be best one and no alternative on Android platform Or, if you want to go iOS OS iPhone may best one.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Thanks, Ajlancer. I just bought this one so will use it for a while.

I don't really use my phone much at all so it isn't important to have any apps on it.

In fact I only recently got a Smartphone. I had an old (old old old) Nokia and I loved it. It was hardy. I could only phone and text. The camera was so bad it was not possible to even use it. I couldn't even download whatsapp to it iPhone or Samsung Galaxy which do you like better??

But I actually loved it, but it started to echo very badly so I had to join the world of Smartphones.

If I need to do something more than phone, text and email in future I will look at a Sony or an iPhone.

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iPhone is the best, you are always secured from virus or malicious app.But in android you are more likely to get your device infected.
Apple restrict it iOS to it self only where as in android you can get access to O/s easily.Simple example is launcher.

There are more benefit using iPhone rather than samsung galaxy phone.

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I forgot all about the virus aspect with the mobile devices. However, generally with any device, you can get infected with anything these days. Even a simple math calculator app can basically act as a keylogger and store your device's information.

So I'm not sure if Apple is completely safe from this, however I tend to believe the Apple iPhone has more security features than regular smartphones, such as the Samsung.

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While Samsung and Apple are two very big phone brands, I think there are good phones within other brands too. For example, Sony and HTC phones are always quite good although less popular than Samsung and Apple. I have been using Samsung for a long time and really like them but it gets quite laggy at times and the user interface isn’t as friendly as ios phones. I am looking forward to the iPhone 7 and hopefully it will be water resistant and have a better battery. I like Samsung and have only been using them but I do want to try something new so I am probably going to move to an iPhone this September.

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I think this is the nth time that I have come across an iPhone being compared to another phone. It is actually the iOs versus Android. In the long run it is the Android phone for me because we all know that phones get obsolete fast so why buy an expensive iPhone when it will be obsolete tomorrow? I own a Samsung J7 now and my previous phone was another Samsung which I find good with the features and functions. I haven’t tried iPhone yet mainly because of the prohibitive cost.

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iOS is just way better to look at and use. Android os is uglier in comparison. Although I do admit android phones are way better in terms of tech, design is more important to me as an iPhone user.

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