
Can writing yourself harm your business?

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Can writing yourself harm your business?

As somebody who is self employed, i handle a lot of my own writing as far as advertisements presentations pitches etc. And, you know as i progress myself further into my career, i would love to know from anybody who feels they have a good understanding of what I'm trying to say, can writing for myself hurt or benefit of business, or does having someone else input involved help make thoughts and topics discussed more clear and understandable . Is it good to have someone else point of view coming into the writing aspect or business and the way things have to operate


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I believe that nobody knows your business more than yourself. So ideally you should be the one who writes the content as you should be able to describe exactly what you need to discuss or explain. The problem lies when you are not able to do the writing properly, that is in terms of sentence structure, grammar and spelling. In that case though rather than hiring a content writer you can simply opt for a proofreading service. However, as long as you can do your own writing I would say do it.

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yea i was thinking the same the best option would be writing for yourself , you can also take it upon yourself to proof read your won work at any time and that's true, i just believe that writing for yourself is the best option, proof reading on the other hand i believe that can be view differently cause at the end of the day your going to need a second opinion on any work that you complete or any work in general that you just have in the midst if your some one who really puts that effort forth.

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I think writing for yourself is best to start and as with anything it takes time and practice, but I think if you are diligent and work hard it will pay off to do it yourself. However that said I have been doing all my own content writing for 4 years.

Like EliteWriter says nobody knows your business like you do. If you haven't written for your own business how do you know what (and how) you want someone else to write for you?

I am only now getting to a point where I am going to start outsourcing some of my work.

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I agree completely with Elitewriter. If you are well versed with writing, its always better to do the writing yourself. Because no one will understand your business more than you. However if you are not that good in writing English, you can write the draft yourself and then get it proofread by a professional writer. There are some good writer here on SEOClerks marketplace.

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yea i definitely agree with you the sites full of great writers people who really know there stuff, you know. and as i said when i replied to elite writer, that proof reading method has got to be the best hands down no competition. its best to write your own make sure that your ideas how the structure you have in mind for what is at hand comes full circle when some one else can see what you got going on . write yourself and find a trusted proof reader you will be good to go. theres not much else

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I've done some proof reading for a blogger that I became friends with at Wealthy Affiliate University and I only corrected about 6 posts for him. I not only corrected his posts for him, but gave him explanations of why I made changes.
By the time I checked his 6th post the change in his writing was incredible. He had improved so much and I hardly had to correct anything, So I think this would be the best way to go, it will help you improve and be self sufficient. It will also be your own writing and thoughts, just checked by someone else.

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I've always done my own writing because I think I'm fairly good at it. I've also been told I write words of gold and that is always a nice thing to hear Can writing yourself harm your business? My writing style may be different than others because I am informative but I like to have fun at the same time. I know when I need to be the corporate person or I can add an "lol" a "haha" or an emoticon. It all depends on what you're comfortable with and if you think it's best that you write it or hire someone else who can do a better job.

If you think you're not the best at writing copy for your website or articles for your clients, just get out there and practice. Some people read that last sentence and said "Practice writing??? WTF???" but it's true. If you're not the best writer or you don't understand proper punctuation, it will just come back to hurt you in the long run. If I need something written in Spanish I'll hire someone who speaks Spanish. I won't attempt to write a sales letter in Spanish and hope it converts. I know English and that's all I'll write in because I know the breaks, emotions, emphasis, and what not to get the point across so I can connect with the people who are reading.

In the end, there's always someone better than you in this world. But if you can manage to be great at what you do, you probably don't need to hire someone to write for you and you can do it yourself Can writing yourself harm your business?

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see its positivity like that, that keeps us going that is another aspect too look at, you know its always a very good pat on the back you did a good job type of feeling when your work gets acknowledged, and that is one of the benefits too writing for yourself is that you can take full credit for your work no one can tell you that you did not do it yourself and when the recognition comes you can take full pride , i agree there will always be some one better but only you can the best you

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Yes practice writing is great! The more you write the better you get.

I have been writing my own content for 4 years now and I can see that change in my writing for the better. I am comfortable writing and I am much faster and confident than I was before.

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This is a lesson that I learned from one politician. He has a pretty good personality and his popularity cannot be question so when he ran for a congress seat in their district, it was a cinch that he would win. But he did not. His publicist was his brother. And based on their own analysis, the one doing the marketing is an insider so he didn’t have the views of the public. That’s why writers would say “go to the bleachers” which means know the stand of your readers. For all you know, what you are presenting to them is trite and senseless.

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