
How Do You Set Your Prices Of Your Ebooks?

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How Do You Set Your Prices Of Your Ebooks?

Hello freelancers,
I just thought I should ask how you people are setting your prices on your products?

I have a similar one here: How Do You Set Your Prices?

However, I would like to know how you decide what your Ebooks are worth and what you should charge for them.. And if you're not a creator of these, how much are you usually paying for Ebooks?

I'm a creator of these myself and I usually charge anything between $7 and $27, and that depends on several things such as, what niche it is, how many pages the ebook contains and also what my competitors products costs (If they have a similar one).

Best Regards,


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I would love some more information on this topic. I have written one eBook (19 pages long) to give away on my website to new subscribers, so it is for free... But I am planning on writing some more eBooks in different niches and I have no idea what price to set them at or how to go about it.

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Hi Lynne,
Yeah, I would love to hear some thoughts from others here as well. Even though I've been selling Ebooks for awhile now, and I'm an author of a handful of Books by now, I still would love to hear what people think and how they come up with the prices.

I usually go with the "standard" of $7, $17 and $27 for my Ebooks and it doesn't matter what niche it is. What matters is, the amount pages. At least most of the times. And obviously what my Ebook contain compared to my comeptitiors Ebooks. Would my clients get more from my competitor? - Then I'll set my prices lower then my competitor. In case I feel like they'll benefit more from my Ebook, then I'll set the price accordingly. You pay for what you get sort of, and even though I provide Ebooks of high value and with high quality content, I've always sold my creations for a fairly low price.

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Yes I would think giving a good price and selling more would be the way to earn more money. Obviously too low might make readers think the quality is below standard. I don't ever buy eBooks priced at $0.99 for example and I have seen loads of those for sale.

How many pages do you usually have in your eBooks?

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I would say anything between 35 and 100.. I prefer to have like 50-60 pages as a "standard" so to speak but it's hard sometimes to get all the information in those pages, so you'll have to add a few extra pages. How Do You Set Your Prices Of Your Ebooks?

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It looks like there is no standard pricing yet for e-books which means the demand will be the dictating factor for the price. Of course, you can always use the prices that you see in the market and that can help in estimating the cost of your own e-book. Maybe in a few years from now the price of e-books will stabilize to a fair standard both for the reader and the writer.

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