
How to check speed of website Tutorial

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How to check speed of website

Speed of loading your website is one of important SEO tactics to use if you wish to boost your website SERP. Even if you know how your website is optimized it's recommended to check it's speed from time to time. Specially if you note that your website is loading slow for any reason like Lynne had on her blog.

Recommended tool for measuring speed of your website is just here:

On this page you will get results, but also a suggestions what and where you can fix things to improve your website loading speed, so use this free tool to improve your website and get loved by Google crawlers.


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I've always been a big fan of because I don't have to use Google How to check speed of website

I just posted not that long ago that if I don't have to use Google, I won't. I don't use them if I don't have to because I don't want to be tracked as easily since I'm a full time internet marketer How to check speed of website

Here is a scan of how quick google is:!/bqzlX8/

You can test from 5 different locations to see how quick your website is.

  • Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Melbourne, Australia
  • New York City, New York, USA
  • San Jose, California, USA
  • Stockholm, Sweden

A Few Metrics:
  • Performance grade - The performance grade can be A, B, C, D, or F with A being the best and F being the worst. Hopefully your website is an A or B and no lower than that.
  • Load time - The load time is how quick the page loads from the location you've chosen. A quicker load time will help you in the serps (search engine results pages) since Google now gives a slight boost in the rankings to websites that load quicker.
  • Faster than - This will show you where you stand in the rankings, sort of. The closer to 100% the better because it will tell you the percentage of websites your site is quicker than.
  • Page size - The size of your page usually helps with your load time and in turn your "faster than" metric. A smaller page on a big server will tend to load quicker than a big page on a small, or shared, server.
  • Requests - The requests on a page indicate just that, how many times something on the page has to do a request. Not very complicated.

This is just a basic overview of pingdom How to check speed of website If I were to type up everything I'd be here all night lol How to check speed of website

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It's a great tool too and i didn't use it before. Now i am going to use it more often to really excuse Google tracking How to check speed of website

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Hi anwebservices thanks for your nice sharing. Yes I agree with you and a website or web page speed very essential part of SEO result. Boost SERF result on search engine website speed up very much importance. Either any website has missed lot of visitors, Because slow loading site always irritant to visitors to access several content. And ultimately visitors will go away. So, it is big factor of any website. And for fixing any issue which responsible for site loading speed, your mentioned Tools working superb. I also use it. And besides, I used few other tool, which Razzy mentioned like Pingdom and smallseotools.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Thank you Anwebservices! I really appreciate the pointers How to check speed of website

And Razzy thank you for adding in another option.

So why exactly would I want to use something not Google?

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it's completely fine to use Google services for you. Razzy probably have own reasons to stay away from tracking by Google but nothing for you to worry about How to check speed of website

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Cos Razzy is BIG and I am SMALL?? Heehee ok, I won't worry about it at all then. Thank you How to check speed of website

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Glad I found this discussion. Found two tools I can use. A Google and a non-Google. SCORE! How to check speed of website Bookmarked both of them.

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I agree that it is important to regularly monitor the speed of your website because it matters not only with SEO but with the regular visitors as well who may be turned off if the site is slow in displaying the web page in full. However, my take on the speed of display is not just the web design but also involves the host provider’s server and the bandwidth as well.

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