
What is the best way to promote for musicians?

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What is the best way to promote for musicians?

I'm the owner of VEEKERVIDEOS and my site is a video sharing website. I want to know how to get massive amounts of traffic and sign up's.

We advertise Video Promotions & Banner Advertising which video promotion can be done using our easy submission page

Please don't give me the baby stuff because I've been online since the beginning. I want to know exactly how to generate massive amounts of traffic FAST. Also, I could use some good tips, so please feel free to comment.


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The best sites to promote Music are Datpiff, Myspace Music, Audiomack, Reverbnation, Sound click, Sound cloud, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Hulkshare, Mix Crate, Mix Cloud, World Star Hip Hop, Hot New Hip Hop, and MORE!!! Also getting into contest that use poll daddy, some give away CASH Prizes. Also you need to build 10-50 people pull in your area and leverage that to get clubs allow you to play and perform your music on days they don't make alot of money. If you can bring 30-50 people to start at $10 a pop plus the bar on a Wednesday night, MOST club owners will let you do this. Build you following as big as you can and continue to do shows everywhere handing out CD's Shirts and MORE!

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Thanks jkeyz2 for the great indepth info. I've been online for a while and some of the things you mention I had totally forgotten about. Contest and cash prizes is a good idea and a friend of mine also mentioned this. Make sure you stay in touch because every idea is helpful. Again, thanks much.

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Please don't give me the baby stuff because I've been online since the beginning. I want to know exactly how to generate massive amounts of traffic FAST. Also, I could use some good tips, so please feel free to comment.

If you've been online since the beginning, you should know what to do, right?

Well, I'll tell you some non baby tips on how to generate some traffic What is the best way to promote for musicians?

If you're doing PPC campaigns you'll have to be carful because you're technically the competition of youtube and I would assume you'll get banned pretty quick on adwords since Google owns Youtube. So now you'll have to focus on adcenter which is Yahoo! and Bings advertising platform. You won't be able to target as many people since Yahoo! and Bing don't get as much traffic, but it'll still be worth it because you can get a good amount of traffic. When you are setting up your campaign you won't be able to target keywords like "Youtube" or "DailyMotion" because they are trademarked, so you'll have to think of something else. If you target keywords like "Upload my video" or "Where can I upload my video" you should get a good amount of sign ups and uploads on your website.

You can also use other PPC networks like 7search in order to get $0.01 clicks from third world countries. I've never had much success with 7search, but if you're just trying to inflate your numbers you can use them for pretty cheap. I used them in the past and spent $10 a day for 1,000 clicks and though it never made me any profit, it still looked pretty nice seeing 1,000 uniques on my website What is the best way to promote for musicians? I don't think it worked out because my service was at least $495 per month What is the best way to promote for musicians?

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This is very solid info Razzy and I really wanted to see if there was things that I was forgetting. This is also why I stated to not give me the baby stuff, I wanted to hear from a real person who know about traffic. I do worry about Youtube [Google] because the site will get very much traffic. I don't want to be seen as competition by them and only another video network. I will more than likely use the platform of Yahoo and Bing due to what you stated. 7search is also a very good idea and right now I plan to grab what I can afford.

The site right now is basic but things will be changing within a few days due to an agreement with a new high level publishing company that was done today.

I don't know if you're familiar with Epom but due to their ad displays I feel that they are the right choice for my site. I like their platform and this agreement will add all of the whistles and bells for the viewer's which will hopefully generate some real revenue.

PPC campaigns do work but sometimes it can cost a pretty penny.

I'm trying to figure out a way around paid traffic so I plan to use SEO Software this time around. I've found some really cool stuff but still testing to see if it actually work.

Anyway...thanks for the solid info my friend and make sure you stay in touch.8-)

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So are you saying that little bloggers like me can also monetize a channel on your website? That is way cool What is the best way to promote for musicians?

One thing though, I tried looking at your website now and it wouldn't load at all? Not sure if this is my connection problem because it has been really slow lately, or a problem with your website.., but other websites are loading right now.

Maybe one angle you can try and go for is making it really easy for video marketers to monetize their channels? I had such grief and drama for months trying to monetize my Youtube channel!

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Yes, blogger's of all types are welcome to join the site. You can create unlimited Playlist & Channels. Also, keep in mind that it's Video Sharing, Live Streaming and Live Chat. It's very cool because you'll be able to hold LIVE meetings or HANGOUTS of all types without worrying about size or member limits.

It's video sharing from all of the major networks such as Myspace, Google Plus, Vemio, Veoh, Live Stream, Ustream, Facebook, Metacafe and Soundcloud.

This mean that you'll be able to share any video even a Live Stream into the site from any of the above networks just by copying and pasting a link.

You will also be able to Copy & Paste a live stream into your CHAT FEED which will be called "PRIVATE MEETINGS or MEETINGS BY INVITATION ONLY". This can easily be done using Facebook's new Live Video and all you would have to do is copy & paste the VIDEO URL to have an open live channel or meeting or copy & paste the VIDEO EMBED CODE into the chat feed and this would be the PRIVATE CHANNEL or MEETING.

It's really simplified and easy to implement after you do it once.

I will also be adding all of the bells and whistles to the site in a couple of days because I will be using Epom, which are high level publisher's. Right now the site is basic but soon it will have pop up's, exit pop up's, skin ads for the home page, footer video ad bars and the top bar pull down ads.

Once things are completed with the bells and whistles I'll then show you the slots and of course if you're part of this forum you will get many FREEBIES on major ad deals, which will expand your biz.

The agreement with Epom remove much worry because I will no longer have to worry about Pre Roll, Mid Roll and Post Roll Ads within the site or any type of ad in dealing with the video players. Epom is live bidding so it should be a very huge plus for my site due to all of the major companies that are advertising with them.

Hopefully it will be the revenue that I'm looking for....

In a few days I'll have to change a few things but it'll be for the better and it will be with all of the bells and whistles [AD DISPLAYS].

I also plan to add "MOVIES and VIDEO GAMES FOR SALE" into the site like Youtube but of course I have to find the right company that will work with me for that to happen. If you locate any company that can provide this on a professional level please let me know ASAP.

Thanks for your feedback and make sure you stay in touch.8-)

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Yes, blogger's of all types are welcome to join the site. You can create unlimited Playlist & Channels. Also, keep in mind that it's Video Sharing, Live Streaming and Live Chat. It's very cool because you'll be able to hold LIVE meetings or HANGOUTS of all types without worrying about size or member limits.

It's video sharing from all of the major networks such as Myspace, Google Plus, Vemio, Veoh, Live Stream, Ustream, Facebook, Metacafe and Soundcloud.

This mean that you'll be able to share any video even a Live Stream into the site from any of the above networks just by copying and pasting a link.

You will also be able to Copy & Paste a live stream into your CHAT FEED which will be called "PRIVATE MEETINGS or MEETINGS BY INVITATION ONLY". This can easily be done using Facebook's new Live Video and all you would have to do is copy & paste the VIDEO URL to have an open live channel or meeting or copy & paste the VIDEO EMBED CODE into the chat feed and this would be the PRIVATE CHANNEL or MEETING.

It's really simplified and easy to implement after you do it once.

I will also be adding all of the bells and whistles to the site in a couple of days because I will be using Epom, which are high level publisher's. Right now the site is basic but soon it will have pop up's, exit pop up's, skin ads for the home page, footer video ad bars and the top bar pull down ads.

Once things are completed with the bells and whistles I'll then show you the slots and of course if you're part of this forum you will get many FREEBIES on major ad deals, which will expand your biz.

The agreement with Epom remove much worry because I will no longer have to worry about Pre Roll, Mid Roll and Post Roll Ads within the site or any type of ad in dealing with the video players. Epom is live bidding so it should be a very huge plus for my site due to all of the major companies that are advertising with them.

Hopefully it will be the revenue that I'm looking for....

In a few days I'll have to change a few things but it'll be for the better and it will be with all of the bells and whistles [AD DISPLAYS].

I also plan to add "MOVIES and VIDEO GAMES FOR SALE" into the site like Youtube but of course I have to find the right company that will work with me for that to happen. If you locate any company that can provide this on a professional level please let me know ASAP.

Thanks for your feedback and make sure you stay in touch.8-)

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I still think that the social media platform is still a good way of getting your stuff out there until you think you have a specific audience you're targeting but if it for all,then you can always share your links to all the social media platform.

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If you are musician . or new on this platform. I have a good news for you . Make your profile crowded by using my exclusive & cheap rated services. Check out my services.

Thank you .

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Partnering with most of the sites that are into music downloads is a sure way to promote your songs and bring it closer to those that enjoy your type of music. It is not always easy, but if you can do great songs and put it out there. The more music lovers download and play it, the more you become popular. Also, paying to have your kinds of music played on radio stations is another sure way to promote your songs.

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I think the suggestions above are logical and doable when it comes to the marketing although there can never be an assurance of traffic especially when the demand is right now. My take on the promotion is to get inside groups of people like Facebook groups that are dealing with music or large forums with music as the niche. Promoting something is not an easy task and you don't get it in an instant unless you are willing to spend for the marketing.

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