
Does traffic exchange still convert to paid offers?

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Does traffic exchange still convert to paid offers?

Does traffic exchange still work for paid offers like clickbank offers like it did in the past? Does anyone still get conversions from that?


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I personally don't get anything from traffic exchanges except high bounce traffic. It's useless to use it any more, nobody even watch pages in traffic exchange websites. Nothing is like before. Specially if you use traffic exchange for own website, i guess it's just hurting your efforts regarding SERP.

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I use to go on a couple of popular traffic exchanges, and yet didn't yield any results, as you have said it causes high bounce rates, and this isn't good. It's always just best to get the traffic organically via the search engines. I have gotten some signups, but never really any sales from the signups.

Another thing is that, that people use traffic exchanges because they don't want to spend money. So if you're trying to sell products, and you use a traffic exchange to get website visitors to your website they may not want to spend any money.

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Yes exactly that is what I also think Everett. It is the same with Pay To Click Traffic. Someone that is surfing for maximum $0.01 per click, but on average $0.001 (or even worse sometimes $0.00 per click!) how would that person afford to buy what you are offering? I am not saying that all these people are dirt poor, but someone that values their time so little and is so desperate to make some money online surely won't be buying much will they?

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There's a trick to make sure the bounce rate does not affect your main website. All you have to do is set up a splash page or secondary website that only has a few pages which are all linked to your homepage. Make all the links nofollow just in case Google, Yahoo! and Bing deem this site as a doorway page or splash page. Making it nofollow will help avoid any penalties due to the website being linked to you.

After you set up this page, or website, make sure that there's a very convincing line of text that will make people want to click through. People love free stuff, especially people on traffic exchanges, and that's how you'll get them to click. If you're selling a watch you can put "90% chance to win a free watch if you CLICK HERE" but make the "CLICK HERE" a large button just under the text. Make sure the button is above the fold so the person using the manual traffic exchange does not have to scroll at all in order to search for something. People on traffic exchanges are there to build points, not to buy your stuff. So if it's above the fold you'll increase your click throughs. You can do a nofollow link on your "CLICK HERE" button and aim it at your main website. You MUST make the "CLICK HERE" button open a new tab when clicked in order to get off the traffic exchange. This way the person will stay on the traffic exchange and have your website open at the same time. If you just have it open in the same tab then they won't stay on your website because you interrupted their process. You can even add "Clicking this will open a new tab and not disturb your browsing" or something like that so people on traffic exchanges are more willing to click it.

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Most of the time a traffic exchange traffic is just software or bots running on someones computer so it clicks "Next" when the page is done. This is obviously for a manual traffic exchange, which is what I use to target in the past. I would get a good amount of sign ups from the manual exchanges because there are a lot of new webmasters that want instant traffic and they think traffic exchanges are the way to go. A manual traffic exchange was my go to over traffic packages because traffic packages consists of 100% fake traffic. At least with a traffic exchange I could pay $20 and get 50,000 people to my website. The conversions were garbage, but I always made a profit becuase I was selling services that were at least a $10 profit for me.

There are some traffic exchanges out there that are worth it, but not many. You'll need to focus on the manual exchanges and do your due diligence prior to investing any money or effort into them. Websites like hitleap that are fully automated aren't going to bring in any profits because people can let their computer run and build points while they're gone. The chances of you actually getting your website in front of someone is pretty rare. And with hitleap you can run unlimited instances of the traffic exchange as long as you have different IPs. You'll need to look for a manual traffic exchange in order to have any chance at making a sale. Like I said before, your conversions will be horrible, but if you can convert a few people a day and you're not spending a lot on the traffic, it could be worth it.

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With traffic exchange sites, you are either buying traffic or viewing other people's websites for them to view yours. They won't be interested in your offer as it is not targeted. They will have no time to read offers or sign up because each views are 10-30 seconds and they will skip to the next website after that time period.

I have tried this in the past but my conversion rate is close to zero so I highly not recommend this method for affiliate marketing. PPC is a much better method than traffic exchanges for higher conversion rates and affiliate marketing.

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Hi sanfora thanks for your question. We know traffic is the most importance elements for any website. And we know several type of traffic exchange site are available on internet and most of them generating traffic by bot software and some are sending traffic by exchange by each and other IP. I mean you will view his site by using your IP and he also visit your site by using his IP. But no one click on any website pages and may go away within few seconds. So, this type of traffic will not make any conversation and bounce rate will make high. Therefore, I think exchanger traffic will not make you any profit.

Regads by Ajlancer

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I don't think traffic exchanges are very useful at all. I gave it a try a while ago and I got no joy at all. Of course I am not an expert at all with traffic exchanges so maybe I was doing something wrong. All I got was a high bounce rate, very short time on website and nothing else but messed up traffic reports to look at.

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It deeply saddens me that new marketers target traffic exchanges to try and sell products, or services. And then they stop because they are not converting free traffic into customers of their business. I personally believe traffic exchanges are a waste of money, time, and resources unless all you want is traffic.

If all you want is just traffic, either real human traffic or fake bot traffic than traffic exchanges can help. However, from my past you'll get mostly a mixture of both. I think it took about ten thousand to twenty thousand views from a traffic exchange to purchase services or products. This ratio is not very good, and it can effect your traffic reports.

So mainly I would just stay away from traffic exchanges, and find out where my traffic is coming from and try to work around that. In the long run, it would be better, because you are not wasting time trying to view websites to get credits so people can view your website.

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Geez ten thousand to twenty thousand views to get some sales? That is awful.

Something else that concerned me greatly about traffic exchanges and PTC websites is that majority of the websites being promoted there are either PTC, traffic exchange or scams... there were hardly any worthwhile or legitimate offers.

Why would I want my offer mingled in with things like that? I don't think it would make my offer stand out at all, I think it would instead make people think that my offer is also scammy and not worthwhile.

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Yes, that is another factor that I forgot to mention: scammy websites. The scammy websites that try to get your attention like having a photo of some girl or guy on the beach drinking a martini with a laptop by their side with captions such as "Be Your Own Boss", or "Get Rich Quick!"

A lot of people whom are starting to venture into the online business world may not know about scams, and go from one to the next. Caught in the "get rich quick" scam cycle with no way out due to the misleading advertising. I would never mislead anyone, as this does more harm than good, bad business practice, and it's just wrong and awful.

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In the beginning of my online writing and internet marketing, I use traffic exchange. I did not know the true nature of traffic exchange, but I knew traffic was important for a website, therefore, I use traffic exchange. However, later I knew traffic from traffic exchange is just a number and I stopped using traffic exchange. In my experience, traffic exchange does not convert, there will be no engagements to your posts, there will be no ad clicks, product sales, sign ups etc. When you are using reputed advertising networks such as adsense and, traffic exchange might get you banned from these ad networks.

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A traffic exchange is good with just traffic to a site but for conversion, I doubt if such ever happens because the traffic is not targeted, just a bunch of people stopping by and might not do much for the site.I prefer targeted ads and targeted audiences.One will get signups, Engagements, and conversion especially if one is into affiliate marketing.

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Based on the comments above, it looks like you don’t get much advantage with the traffic exchange sites. When it comes to traffic, I would rather rely on the other SEO methods that can definitely bring more traffic to my site. The uploading of new content that is tagged with the proper keyword or keywords is already tested by time so why try other means when you might just be wasting your precious time?

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