
How to get first initial customers?

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How to get first initial customers?

How do I go about getting those first initial customers?
I was wondering this as people don't tend to buy from you if you've not had any feedback or anything beforehand and I believe that's the reason why people may be put off my products.
Any help?


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Hey bosilk,
There's a few things you can do.

First of all, I'll give you some fantastic CD's to read. All of them contains high value and several experts are sharing their tips & tricks.
The 5 Most Common Mistakes Freelancers Make
How To Become a Successful Power Seller on SEOClerks!?
How To Setup The Perfect Descriptions

You could also read this CD:
How To Build Reputation, Credibility And Gain Sales With Community Discussions?

With that being said, I do understand how you might feel. And I appreciate that you're reaching out to others for help in this matter.

So, here goes:
First of all, one of your services is created only 1 hour ago and the other one is 15 days old. They are both still very young services, and they haven't got too much exposure yet. Nothing strange about that.

However, I would recommend changing your descriptions a bit, and perhaps even your titles. What people read, is what they'll get, and honestly, youtube services for instance, is very competitive. There's a load of sellers who provides such services and because of that, you'll have to find a way to get more exposure. Potential buyers have to get that "Oh!" feeling when they see your service. You must add enough details so people clearly understands exactly what they'll get from you, and honestly, your descriptions right now aren't working that way. At least not for me.

I'm still wondering, "what do I actually get?" and "does it truly work?". The proof you're using isn't accurate either. Proofs like that could easily be faked.. And that's probably the biggest concern for any potential clients. You show a list with some random numbers, but it doesn't show more than that. You doesn't show people that you've gained these subscribers using your method. It could literally be anything besides your method.

Tell people what they can expect. Tell people that your method is different and unique. Let people know that your method isn't like the other one they just saw from 3 other sellers. How about guarantees? - What if someone purchase this and already bought it from someone else? Would they be eligible a refund?

There's a bunch of questions you could and should answer, before you get these questions from actual potential clients.

Good luck!

Best Regards,

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Hey, I was in the same situation! But, I got my first two sales so I think I can help.

The way I got my first sale was through a WTB. These are great because you can have competitive pricing and send messages to the buyer.
How the buyer chose me was from standing out. Everyone else had misspelled words and stuff like that, don't do that. But I didn't and here I am now.
You can look through these want to buys and if you see a service you can provide click and post a bid. I usually send the buyer a message also to get more attention.

Hope this helped, good luck!
Nextant | Video & Graphic Design Services

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Hi there How to get first initial customers? Well I don't like buying Youtube subscribers or comments... so it is not a service I am looking for.

I think maybe start being active in the discussions, give valuable advice and information. People will go and have a look at your profile,

Otherwise hang on for some more suggestions from sellers. I am a buyer, not a seller here so I don't know all the tricks and tips.

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Hey there,

I'm a frequent buyer on SeoClerks and here's a few things I look for when purchasing from a seller.

Positive Rating: Some people will say to not hire a seller if they have under a 99% but I think that's a bit ridiculous. I'll hire people anywhere from 90% and higher because they are still really good at most of the things they're doing. A seller could have a lower rating because they've only sold a few services and one of the buyers was not satisfied and left a negative rating, which hurts a lot when you don't have a lot of ratings from clients. This is why I give a lot of services a chance even if they don't have 99% or higher.

User Level: A user level basically sorts out the beginning sellers from the advanced sellers. A lot of buyers look for sellers who are level 3 or higher, but I give everyone a chance if they have a well written out service page and are quick to respond to me. It takes time to level up to 3 or even the staff chosen levels of X. I started purchasing from a guy here when he was brand new, and now he's level X and making around 20 sales a day How to get first initial customers? Take your time to level up, it will benefit you immensely in the long run How to get first initial customers?

Positive vs. Negative Ratings: If someone has 100 ratings under their belt and half of them are negative, I'm going to avoid that seller. Having a high positive feedback score will help increase the amount of sales you obtain because people will see that others have bought from you and loved what your service does.

TAT (turn around time): The turn around time is a big seller for me. If I need something done over night and I know it can be done quick, I'm not going to buy something that claims it takes 7 days when I know the seller is just using software to do the work. Now if I'm purchasing a month long SEO campaign I understand that the TAT is going to be 4 weeks, and I'm ok with that because it was advertised as so. If you say something is going to take X amount of days and it normally takes XX amount of days, I won't purchase a second time.

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Thank you guys for the tips, I'll try implement them into my products.

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I would suggest the following:
  • Make sure you make a very interesting and well written service description.
  • Offer competitive rates, and sometimes put your services on sale. You get to choose what discount to apply and for how long. Services on sale stand out in the marketplace as the slashed price is marked in red, and so you could attract more attention.
  • Log in daily so as to get a free bump. then use that bump to put your service on top of the list for some time. You can also buy bumps.
  • Check WTBs regularly and bid where there is something right for you.

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Hi bosilk thanks for your question. I understand your concern. Yes previous feedback or recommendation very much helpful to get more sale. But if you are newbie what you will do? This answer depending on many facts for getting sale. But, as a quality seller you always eligible to attract to your client by your services.

For that I have few suggestions.
> First and precondition your service has to describe very effective way. e.g. describe clearly what you are going to sale. Describe about total quality. Describe about yourself why you better than other. tell your buyer what benefit he will get by your service etc.

> Bump your service each day. Here you will get free and paid bump. You can earn free bump to contribute on CD. Paid bump you can purchase on ionicware

> Featured your service or highlighted your service.

> You can bid in WTB section

Regards by Ajlancer

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Great question Bosilk!! To get those first customers as a new freelancer, make sure your service ad is eye catching! For example, make certain words different colors, or make them bold. I like to use a little video in my service ad to give the client a little in site into my services and what I provide. Also, I find that offering a special deal or free extra service with your initial service, really helps in attracting any kind of buyer!! Hope that helps, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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This is a good question. From personal experience, I find that you are more likely to get sales if you offer something unique and cheap. Start with cheap prices and then increase your prices once you build a reputation within the community. Some people may say that you shouldn’t offer services for cheap but bear in mind that people are more likely to try you out if your services don’t cost them much as even if something goes wrong, they lose little. Make sure you research what your competitors are offering and offer better and cheaper services than them. Once you get good reviews here, you will start getting even more sales.

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I think on your quest to getting as much as new customers/clients as a beginner has to do with a lot of things starting from the days of having to talk often on forums about the type of services that you offer to get positive ratings from clients that you've worked for. It is all about a process and I hope you get to pass that level soon.

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