
Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

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Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

This isn't about discussing any blackhat methods or anything like that at all.

I simply wonder if you've ever used a blackhat forum? Have you ever visit one? Why did you? Or why are you using it?

I personally am a member of 2 different blackhat forums and the reason I'm there is because of two things. First of all, to buy & sell products in the "Buy and sell" sections, but also because of their "Help wanted" sections. I often use these kind of sections for inspiration. Inspiration for a new ebook, product, service or whatever. I find these forums very useful in this way.

What about you?

Best Regards,


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Since first couple of bleckhat forums i joined years ago were very black i stopped using and visiting them ad others too. First because there were a lot of spam and things which i am not going to use, but also a lot of some kind of freewares full of spaywares and viruses, so i never get interested again in them, while from previous comments i see they can be beneficial in some other way.

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I'm actually pretty well known on a couple black hat forums Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

Now I'm not doing anything illegal or negative, they're just considered black hat because we talk about Online Marketing and SEO techniques. Now there are plenty of other topics on these forums, but these are the main reason they became popular so that's why I'm there. On one of the forums I think I have close to 5,000 posts and get countless people asking me for secrets. So being "popular" on these forums can actually back fire lmao Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

I'm also a member of some black hat forums that are invite only and those forums are pretty awesome because no one is promoting crap and trying to sell you something. We actually ban people who try to push their own products since we're there to just help each other or work with each other on projects Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

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I've used a black hat forum only to see what black hatters are doing in terms of SEO and products or marketing. It's often nice to see what your competition is up to. Also, I like to see the downloads, and scripts section to see what is being stolen. It amazes how some users try and say they make like 6 to 7 figures a year, yet they are still using crack programs, or other illegal programs or scripts. If they truly are making as much as they state, why are they not hiring someone to program their own software, or products?

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Yeah, it's pretty sad. The ones who are claiming to make that much are actually the ones who had a taste of profits and don't know what to do with it. The could have had a good day, once, and bragged that they were the best in the world.

The ones who never talk about profits are the ones who are actually making bank Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

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I would never talk about my profits, especially on a blackhat forum.. hello blackhat, crackers, hackers, etc! Why talk about my profits when they can come to an immediate stop? I would probably be with the silent few who make a nice steady income but don't care enough to actually state it.. ya know.. lol

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This is starting to get interesting Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

I do agree with you, to a certain point, and that's until you stated that the ones who never talks about profits is the ones who makes bank, and I agree, on half of it kind of.

I personally, as an ebook author always state my income in my creations, but it's never to "brag" or something like that. It's simply because I need my readers to understand how I did things and what I earned from doing things the way I did. Step by step. This is merely as information, so others can easily understand that it is possible to make that amount of money, less or even more than that. Which I also state. I usually never claim to be "the best" at the things I do, and as the humble being I am, that's also why I tell my readers that this is what I've done myself but others might do something entirely different, and get even better results.

In general however, I'd say that you're straight to the point with the things you've said.

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While I agree with the first two that it's best to be generic in public places (such as on forums where there are scammers, hackers, etc), when you're appealing to your potential buyer (that is the people who will be buying your ebook/product/service), then it's likely best to offer more concrete proof of success. Most importantly, when selling info-products where people are hoping to copy their way to your success, it's just easier showing that screenshot of earnings to gain the buyer's trust than by simply saying, 'trust me!'. Earnings claims are common online, if you can back them up, so much more the better and you have instant credibility.

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Very good point Beverly but I look at all "proof of earnings" with distrust. This is simply because all these online scams have these "proof of earnings". I am so tired of seeing people with loads of money apparently flying into their accounts.
Anyone that knows a bit of graphic design can make a fake image.

I personally don't think anyone needs to say exactly how much they earn or give proof of it.

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If you look at the image below, you'll actually see proof of my online earnings from multiple platforms, and from selling scripts.

Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

But in actuality, it's a fake amount that I easily edited via Mozilla Firefox's built in element inspector.

Those that are not savvy to such things, can immediately be fooled. If you don't read the text of this post, you may just see the amount and be like WOW! But as i have said it's completely fake.

I did not need a program to do this, such as a graphic program. However, it was a simple edit in the HTML. So you have brought up a very good point, it IS easy to fake earning amounts, and it does happen often.

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Exactly. I don't pay any attention to any "proof of earnings" anywhere ever. I find it misleading and also just boastful.

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Very boastful indeed. Plus, if you truly make millions online, and post your "earning proofs", wouldn't everyone who wants to make millions online be knocking at your door so to speak?

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Oh yes you would have loads of "friends" too crawling out of the woodwork and people trying to hack into your bank account and break into your house LOL

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Awesome earnings!!! Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?

But yeah, I do see your point and I agree with you. I don't share income proofs from my PayPal account. I show my readers proofs from my actual work accounts so to speak, such as my SEOClerks account, as I found this to be a better proof. However, I do agree with Lynne too, to some extent. I understand that most people are "bragging" with their incomes, and that most of them are probably fake as well, but I do share my earnings anyhow, as I want to be crystal clear with my clients of how much they can possibly make, how much I made during this and that time etc, and that the things I talk about truly works.

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False advertising. It's much easier to sell products when you tell your readers that you've earned $50,000 in 24 hours, rather than $5,000 in 5 years.. And the sad part is, that many people, especially newcomers, are falling for these kind of statements all day long. That's why these authors and product creators are still in business, because of the little guys.

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Hi hitmeasap Thanks for your nice question. I have used black hat forums many years back. Though, I am not regular user for this type of forum. My beginning of freelancing career I had search many things on internment and by the way I got black hat forum for getting search things. And I had used mostly for getting some valuable information from there and I got lot of significant information from black hat forums. For example: SEO relate tutorial and marketing related technique etc. I am sure still black hat forum very useful for information searchers.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I've never been part of any type of black hat forum.

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Yes have used it sometime ago

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I use multiple black hat forums daily, nothing illegal, mainly use them to learn of new SEO methods.

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i am not so sure if you can learn proper SEO methods on bh forums Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum? And why, while there is so many white hat methods and tactics to use and learn. Perhaps this Seoclerks Community Discussions section can be your best SEO guide ever. If there is something you can't find here, you can always ask and get replay by unselfish SEO experts who are very active here and offering to share their experience.

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Pretty much everything in the SEOclerks marketplace that pertains to SEO, Social Media, etc. is black hat. Any manually built link is technically black hat. I don't think there's a single topic in this entire forum that discusses a legitimate white hat strategy, the only one being some PR and outreach. Where on this entire site is someone selling outreach work??? No where.

So for everyone that says they've never been to a black hat forum, you're on one right now. I can point to more threads that suggest answers to queries that are "black hat". Just because we don't label fake profiles (primarily most of the SEO/Social media here) as "black hat" means that it's not and is a white hat method??? This is crazy talk.

The blackhat forums that I am a member of look down on anything illegal. In fact I've seen methods that walked a thin line, like click jacking, get deleted and the user received an infraction.

So what "black hat" is everyone talking about?

All black hat is, is generating fake signals to indicate to Google (or whoever) that your property/asset on the web is worth indexing higher than others. Not one person building links is doing white hat SEO. Guest posting, real outreach, and people linking to your site out-of-the-blue is the only white hat SEO there is.

Regardless of that, the BH forums that everyone is throwing up crucifixes and hissing at, have so much more than "black hat" techniques. There's one reputable one that most people trust, and its just a buncha of WSO's (wink wink). Just people producing helpful knowledge to create a lead Have You Ever Used A Blackhat Forum?. So of course there's that.

I guess the bottomline is, those with a little smarts will recognize junk when they see it.

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