
Service extras purchased by buyer but not added to order

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Service extras purchased by buyer but not added to order

Service extras purchased by buyer but not added to order. What could be the reason? I am new on Seoclerks and my level is one, is this is the reason that buyer can't purchase that gig extras more then one, or something else? A star is also displaying on active order tab with left side of qty, kindly help


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You can only purchase service extras in quantities of one, there is no feature to purchase more quantities of extras at this time. However, you can create a custom service for the buyer if they really need more quantities of the extras.

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As a buyer, today I add 1 extra to my order, the total say 2 usd all ok, I pay with my balance, send to the seller instructions.
But then I look in my shopping and see only 1 usd in that order, look my balance and yes only spend 1 usd, don't know where is the extra I choose and see in the total when I pay.
I think it's a bug, wish isn't frecuent because I don't like losing my time.

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You are mentioning that you paid with your "balance", and I'm assuming that you paid with your SEOclerks balance. If so, when you are on the order page, the order will automatically remove funds in your SEOclerks balance to pay for the order. If there isn't sufficient funds in the SEOclerks balance than you can use another payment method to cover the remaining cost. If you did do as I mentioned, or had enough in your balance and the extra isn't added to the order you'll need to contact the support team and inform them of this issue and they'll be able to assist you further. Hope everything works out for you, let us know how it goes!

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I had enough balance in seoclerks.

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I am still trying to guess what the real question is, so can you be more specific on what the problem is?
  • It is not possible to add multiple amount of same extra to the order.
  • If buyer really bought extra it would be added to the order automatically after payment is made
  • But if the buyer didn't supplay enough details regarding job to do, then you need to communicate with buyer on your sales page.

Please let us know, what exactly the problem is, so we can help you better!

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Hi As my first guess, if buyer purchase service extra with general order, it must be show in order section. But, he must to update general order first. And I am still guessing are you talking about service extra purchase after purchasing general order? And for this type situation also buyer can add more service extra even after paid for general order. But he can not purchase, if he select quick deliver order. And this moment add more service extra disable within quick deliver time. So, for me it is really fuzzy question. I hope you will write more clearly in comments.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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How do you know the extra was purchased if it wasn’t in the order? Are you sure that the buyer purchased an extra? I advise you to contact the Ionicware helpdesk so they can help you and you should provide them with more details.

Generally speaking, extras should be added to the order straight away if it was purchased and if it isn’t displaying in the order, then the extra may have not been purchased. It may also help us if you provide a screenshot of the issue as it will be a lot clearer what the issue is.

Hope this helps!

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