
How do you use Reddit to share your own content?

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How do you use Reddit to share your own content?

I seriously need some help with Reddit.

I know in theory how great Reddit can be with traffic for your website. However I can't quite figure it out.

The thing is I was on Reddit about 2 or 3 years ago and I shared some of my website posts and the members got so ugly and aggressive about self promotion.

I was a new member so I do think that although I maybe should have been more aware of how it all works they could have been just a little nicer. They truly crucified me.

I closed my account and didn't go back for ages.

I now have a new account and I am active once in a blue moon but I am too scared to share anything of my own.

The feeling I get is that Reddit members are very "clicky" and just don't like newcomers. I don't feel welcome there.

BUT I want to share my stuff... so what are the methods used to be successful and accepted by members on Reddit?


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Yeah, you're pretty much crucified for self promotion on reddit. It's a tough nut to crack, but if you can do it, it will treat you very well How do you use Reddit to share your own content?

Build Rep:
Build up a reputation and you will be seen as less of a spammer and more as someone sharing content that might help others. I've seen new members, just like your story, share something and then instantly get ripped apart by the community because of self promotion. It's sad to see, but no one there likes promotions.

Share images, links, and whatever you think is funny. If you can get people to add fun and nice comments to your shares, you'll be able to share your own things later on.

Not for every niche:
Reddit isn't for every niche even though there's most likely a section for you. I run an SEO company and have yet to try and crack into the SEO niche on reddit lol. I've seen the shaming in those sections be much worse than the others because there are marketers on reddit who have been there for years. They will shame you for sharing what they think is self promotion just so their services seem more suitable for everyone to use. It's a sad thing, but it happens.

Reddit is moderated pretty well but it's still a chaotic place to try and pull traffic from. You can try to post a tutorial and then link back to where you "found" it on your own website How do you use Reddit to share your own content? By sharing the entire post from your website you'll increase the chances of not being shamed for asking people to click through. A lot of people will share just a snippet and then a "Click Here" type method in order to get traffic from certain sections of reddit and this is the main reason for the crucifixion of the self promoting members.

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Well I've actually bought a service here on SEO Clerks for $1 to share my content on Reddit when it was a very NB post for me.

The thing is that spending so much time trying to gain favor with people on this network just so I can share the odd thing doesn't really seem worth while for me when I can spend $1 and get someone else to share it!

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I've posted on Reddit, and too was crucified for "self promotion". However, I wasn't really promoting anything. It was on a subreddit of MMORPG text-based games, and the post was about popular online MMORPG text-based games, the author simply wanted to know what other popular games that gamers played. All I did was use my referral link to a game I played and the Reddit users went ballistic. So if you're there to promote or market a service or product it's not the best site, and I strongly suggest against it.

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The users there are aggressive and abusive, lol. You should try launching an ad there and see how abusive they become. They will eat ads alive via the comment section, regardless of what it is.

I once had success, inadvertently though. I hired a guy to write for me on a question/answer site I owned. He was heavily involved in reddit and had a ton of karma with thousands of posts. He would sometimes, of his own free will, post links back to topics he answered on my site in his comments. I'd see a massive influx of traffic from those posts as they reached the front page (or near it). He never got flamed either as he wasn't self promoting, his comments were actually answering/responding to the OP and he had a ton of karma.

In other words, I have no idea. Luck maybe?

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Yes I noticed, they scared me away for a few years. I was too chicken to go back. I signed up the first time using my company name as my username. This time I signed up with my name as my username but I am to scared to share any of my own content.

I go on every now and then and try build up my karma... but really I don't have a lot of time to devote to it.

After that first experience Reddit always leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can understand being moaned at for not understanding the rules as a newbie, but like you say it was actually abusive which I feel is never called for in any situation.

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Yes, it is not just you, it is known that Reddit users are not going to like any self promotion one tries to engage in on Reddit. It is common for people to feel bullied, so to speak on Reddit. It is quite similar to what happened to you. However you should not give up no matter how bad they make you feel. There are ways around it.
1. Rather than focusing on marketing ways, just try to find something that you know there are many members who are passionate about it. In that way you will be able to relate better.
2. Keep content relevant. Make it unique and informational as this is really important on Reddit.

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Well I have joined some Reddits about recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism. I log on every now and then a do a bit of interacting.. and yes I am a drug addict and alcoholic nearly 8 years clean. I am slowly but surely building up my karma that way. Not sure when I will have the courage to risk sharing any of my content again... for now I am just building myself up safely.

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I was once a member on reddit, however, I stopped visiting reddit after a couple of months because I was not getting any traffic. In order to benefit from reddit, you need to be an influencer sort on Reddit. You will become influencer sort when you get karma points. You get karma points from upvotes. The most important thing is to share a valuable post and be very active in the community.

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I have been reading about Reddit for a long time now but I still have to check on it. In my sojourn with forums I have learned the mechanics and I think it is a good way of getting a venue for your SEO work because Reddit is a good bookmarking site. However, I have nothing to promote as of the moment so I am deferring my activity in Reddit and I am just an onlooker for now.

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