
Is PTC traffic bad for your website SERP?

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Is PTC traffic bad for your website SERP?

Well yeah that is really just my question. Is PTC traffic bad for your website SERP?

And if you use PTC traffic does it pay to send the traffic to a landing page?

Has anyone had great success using PTC traffic?


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I used some PTC traffic years ago and it was good back then. PTC traffic working same as with traffic exchange websites. It only depend what kind of filters they have while you adding your website to PTC because as far as i know that iFramed traffic is not safe for adsense ad users as you can get banned from adsense for using that. That's why mostly people using PTC traffic for landing pages. I am not also sure how exactly affects SERP because all this PTC and traffic exchanges providing you with high bounce rate traffic. Still use it with caution!

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Yeah I did notice that high bounce rate and I don't think the visitors are good quality at all, but you can get a load of traffic for very little cost.

I did PTC traffic a long time ago and I didn't get any new leads or sales during that time but I thought perhaps if I used landing pages it might work well.

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Yeah, i same experienced very low conversion rates from PTC and traffic exchanges. Try to make some eye catching landing pages, probably with nice OTO (one time offer) or some freebies to get some conversions!

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As anwebservices has mentioned, PTC traffic causes high bounce rate which hurts your rankings because Google doesn’t like pages that have high bounce rate as that implies a bad user experience which is an important ranking factor in 2016. You may also want to check this out which explains the relationship between bounce rate and rankings.

I have used PTC traffic in the past and hardly ever use it these days because it gives you very little benefit. Don’t expect any conversions from these traffic because they are paid to view your website so chances of them joining is very low. The only advantage is to increase the numbers for whatever reason.

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Yes that's the thing really. If someone has so little money that they are willing to be paid $0.001 per click or even worse how can that person afford to buy something that you are promoting?

Makes very little sense to me really.

Plus like you say the low bounce rate would be terrible for your website.

What is your opinion on using landing pages with good offers? Still not worthwhile?

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As a general rule of thumb if your aim is to improve your SERP then there are better options than using PTC. The reality is that PTC traffic generally leads to a high bounce rate. This in turn ends up hurting your ranking. All in all Google does not favor high bounce rates as you know and if you want to increase your SERP you had better do it with SEO as well as such techniques, including:
  1. A good internal linking structure
  2. Sitemap
  3. Make sure your site is optimized for mobile
  4. Make the site as speedy as possible
  5. Good content marketing
  6. Use social media

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Yes I am doing all of those things now, and my organic traffic is increasing nicely. I'll stick with that as it is safest.

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Thanks for these pointers. Those things about mobile optimization and having a speedy site are my weakest points. Need to learn more about them.

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hii sir do you mean paid to click programs?
i think its not that good idea,but if you want to boost your business it may helpful because with their community members , once you publish site it will seen by all of the ptc site members
its quite good idea for it..

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Yes. That's the traffic program. It seems to be having the fake traffic. And another thing is that SERP activities are something that pay attention to these type of programs. You can see that auto surf type of the traffic is fake too. PTC traffic is worst of all if possible. And another thing is that nobody buys from the advertisers on the PTC traffic. So one should carefully look at that part as well.

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Yes that is what I thought might work. Problem is I don't have any landing pages. I've heard they are brilliant for conversions but I have never set one up and I don't know how.
Lead Pages was recommended to me by a few people but I see there is no free trial and I am not good at design so I was worried I would land up paying for something and not being able to work it. What are your thoughts?

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PTC traffic is bad for your website SERP because search engines do not like paid traffic. Some search engines even ban website for using paid traffic. If you are using Adsense, paid traffic such as PTC traffic will risk your account. However, PTC traffic is little better than traffic exchange. If you pay more, you can increase view duration for each click, when the user remains on your page for a longer duration. your bounce rate will decrease which is good for website SERP

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You can see that PTC is system designed for getting leads. But the thing is that people who don't have money usually sign up for the PTC type of the websites. And they are going to be making use of the random bots and the people here. So they do not product any value for the website and also for the advertiser. So it is more or less like the money is wasted into this type of the stuff. And this has to change. People have to realize that such type of the traffic is not going to be good. Instead one can spend the money into PPC and forum ads or signature ads instead.

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I am not an authority on the issue and this is just my honest opinion. Sometimes I wonder why search engines are thought to be so strict as with the keyword stuffing and the excessive backlinks. Isn’t it preposterous to think that search engine crawlers would spend time just to check on those potential violations? Sometimes I have a feeling that the so called black hat and gray hat are just speculations. Now comes paid to click traffic. What’s wrong with that?

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