
Service views daily but no orders yet!

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Service views daily but no orders yet!

I check my service impressions, clicks and views on daily basis. I am getting views daily but honestly speaking not getting a good number of orders like others. Is this normal? Please help.


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I guess you need to work on it and test it all the time until you get better results.
Perhaps, check the price of your service and compare it with your competitors. Check quality of your descriptions, images (and video) of your service description. Maintain good service review ratings and response time. Simply change it until you find best option!

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I am a buyer and I think your services and prices are just fine. But I did pick up a number of typos which would annoy me. Plus one thing I always look at is response time.. and yours is 20 hours. Not bad but I always look for as immediate as possible just because I am an impatient person. Perhaps if you improved that your orders might improve a bit.

Also trying building good relationships with people that order from you. I have my favorite seller on SEO Clerks and I am loyal as can be. Work on this and make sure that anyone that orders from you comes back to you in future.

Plus maybe try and get new orders done faster than your promised turn around time, this might get you noticed. I always notice when someone gets work done for me early, it makes the person stand out.

Sorry I have my seller, but maybe this will help you?

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Well, something you have to bear in mind is that people who view your service won’t always buy your service. There are many factors that may influence people’s decisions on whether or not they will buy your service. For example, reviews and price. If don’t have many reviews or you are offering your service for a very high price, then people may decide not to buy from you. It is pretty normal not getting many sales but lots of impressions. Here are two guides you may want to check out:

These guides can help you increase your sales and pick out mistakes that you may be making.

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Hello asadseo,
It's very common that you have a bunch more views than orders. Nothing wrong with that at all. However, in case you're starting to see a huge amount of views, during several days, without any orders, it might be time to change things up.

Here's a few tips for you:
How To Decrease Response Time?
Repeat Customers And How To Get Them
How To Setup The Perfect Descriptions
How To Become a Successful Power Seller on SEOClerks!?

All of these FAQs contains a ton of valuable information and you should spend some time reading all of this. I'm sure this will help you to take your business to the next level and to start getting more orders.

Best Regards,

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Yeah, number of views can rise up fast for many reasons, for example from Seoclerks affiliate stores, every display of your service on these stores could possibly count as view, so it doesn't always mean that you had visitor on your actual sales page.

However, considering advices listed above can improve your sales for sure!

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I would suggest you try one or more of the following:
  1. Rather than lowering your rates, put some of your services on sale. You can choose the number of days and what discounted price you want to offer. You may say that you will be earning less than you wanted, but at least you got an order, and most likely that buyer might get back to you again for more orders in the future.
  2. Bump your services at different times daily.
  3. Create more services by coming up with new ideas, such as packages or with extras.
  4. Advertise a quick turnaround time.

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Hi asadseo thanks for your query such matter. Yes! lot of new user worry about this matter. E.g. my service viewers rising daily but I do not get sale. Do not forget rising views and sale are not same. View increasing for SEOclerks because, each day lot of user and buyer come and join SEOclerks and searching service and try to find out as their expectation service and they may see your service too. But your service may not match with their expectation, so, they do not buy. But your view going to increasing.
For increasing your sale you may see lot of instruction on Community discussion.
I just going to tell you few.
>Sale quality service and demandable service, do not forget everything behind quality
> Bump your service daily and you can use free and paid bump for your 5 services within 24 hours
> Keep low your response time
> Make your service as featured if possible

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I clicked on a random service to see the service's description, and how you formatted the description and what kind of key points you used. One thing that quickly caught my eye was your use of using many font colors, so far you have 4 font colors. This looks to me, a bit too colorful, it's confusing to find main points about your service, and the text size is a bit too large as well.

I would work on the description and make it more professional, with all your services. Try to include proof of how your service worked, include graphics, responses from your buyers, or any other indicating factor that proves what you're selling actually works!

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