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Sleep deprivation

Lately, the weather has been so erratic here, very warm one day and chilly the next. And, it's making it difficult to get much more than a few hours sleep at a time. I'll go to sleep in a very warm room and wake up cold, as the weather has changed so suddenly.

Just wondering how you all deal with lack of sleep, sleep deprivation or sleep loss.


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If I am sleep deprived I am crabby. I try not to get this way. If I don't sleep well one night then I try to go to bed early the next night.

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If I am sleep deprived I am crabby. I try not to get this way. If I don't sleep well one night then I try to go to bed early the next night.

This is a common reaction and most people feel on edge or irritable without sufficient rest. Just try to stay hydrated through out the day and get plenty of sunshine which will tell your body it's time to feel awake. Go outside if you need as sunlight from a window won't be enough.

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Try to maintain a consistent schedule and don't deviate from your schedule, not even for television or personal events. You will notice that your body wants to wake up around the same time every day anyway and by going to bed around the same time every night, you will easily accommodate it.

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Maybe you are being woken up by some noise outside your house, such as street traffic in the early morning or late night. You should wear earplugs or turn on a fan to cut out the outside noise. This will help you sleep better.

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That is how it is here in Nebraska, it may be spring time but we still get snow one day and then it is in the 80's the next day. The drastic change of the weather really tends to have an effect on my sinuses and it keeps me up for hours. I hate the weather here. That and we have construction around my house and we have screaming kids playing outside too early in the morning.

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That is how it is here in Nebraska, it may be spring time but we still get snow one day and then it is in the 80's the next day. The drastic change of the weather really tends to have an effect on my sinuses and it keeps me up for hours. I hate the weather here. That and we have construction around my house and we have screaming kids playing outside too early in the morning.

And, it happened again last night. It was warm all yesterday, very pleasant and then later around midnight the air chilled and this morning I woke up and it was very cold. Even now past noon, it's chilly outside. I don't understand this weather. I hope it will be normal warm spring time weather again soon.

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Yeah i know, it has just been raining the past day now and is said to continue so I hope it doesn't get too cold and turn to ice. That would suck because we just got rid of all of the snow and ice recently.

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Eat a small snack of milk and whole wheat bread before bed. That will calm your stomach and make it easier to sleep. Sometimes, when you are hungry, you will not rest well and then wake up often.

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Some people actually do better work on little sleep. Though I'm not one of them, I don't mind going without sleep occasionally. Though my best work happens when I'm fully rested.

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Some people actually do better work on little sleep. Though I'm not one of them, I don't mind going without sleep occasionally. Though my best work happens when I'm fully rested.

Same for me, I need a full night's sleep to get work done. It's hard for me to concentrate on my writing if I have no sleep. Even a nap helps take the edge off.

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I try to go to bed early if I am sleep deprived or sleep in if I can.

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Dragging out your day too late, even to complete one more task is never a good idea as it puts your schedule off. You will go to bed later but still wake up at the same time daily as it's your body's habit to do so. Then you will be tired.

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I agree with you Jackson as usually one task for me will lead into a few hours because I will want to do more.

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I agree with you Jackson as usually one task for me will lead into a few hours because I will want to do more.

For awhile, this same thing was causing me to stay up later and later every night. This past few nights, I stop working around ten or 11 pm and watch TV for an hour or so and then feel very sleepy. It's a nice way to wind down the day and I'm waking up very early now, even before 7PM, which is very nice. I'm hopeful this will make me more productive with my writing.

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I've been surviving off a few hours sleep for a week now. The weather is too hot when I wake up which is the opposite of what it was three months ago.

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I've been surviving off a few hours sleep for a week now. The weather is too hot when I wake up which is the opposite of what it was three months ago.

I can not sleep in hot weather either. It is just too miserable.

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Eat a small snack of milk and whole wheat bread before bed. That will calm your stomach and make it easier to sleep. Sometimes, when you are hungry, you will not rest well and then wake up often.

Yes good point. I wake up if I am hungry and a snack then will usually make me fall back to sleep.

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Sometimes hunger wakes me up too. Or stomach ache if I've had too much food at supper.

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If I am feeling tired I will get an extra hour or two of sleep.

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I hate being sleep deprived, it's an awful feeling and makes you feel like you can not function at all the following day. It really is hard to know what to do when you are sleep deprived other than just and get some sleep if you can at different times of the day to see if that helps especially fi the weather is affecting your sleep.

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drink some tea or warm milk to see if that will help you sleep better.

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I hate being sleep deprived, it's an awful feeling and makes you feel like you can not function at all the following day. It really is hard to know what to do when you are sleep deprived other than just and get some sleep if you can at different times of the day to see if that helps especially fi the weather is affecting your sleep.

My sleep schedule is so out of sorts now. I get on average two hours sleep at a time and wake up again. It's not really hot here every day. So I don't think the heat is to blame. Just not sleeping well.

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I have been on vacation all week and have been enjoying catching up on my sleep.

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I have been on vacation all week and have been enjoying catching up on my sleep.

Getting those few extra days of sleep and rest really makes a difference. I think the extra sleep is why most people love vacation most. It's the one thing that makes you feel good when you finally have to go back to work.

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Try to maintain a consistent schedule and don't deviate from your schedule, not even for television or personal events. You will notice that your body wants to wake up around the same time every day anyway and by going to bed around the same time every night, you will easily accommodate it.

Though I feel tired I always sleep at the same time in the night

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Though I feel tired I always sleep at the same time in the night

It's always a good idea to resist napping during the day or evening. Whenever I take a nap, even for an hour, I am up way past midnight. And, then it takes forever to get to sleep. I don't like being tired during the day but sometimes it's worth it to maintain a good sleep schedule.

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Take a hot shower with some lavender body wash and it will help you get a good nights sleep.

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Maybe there is some type of herbal tea taht you could drink to promote better sleep habits. Or, as suggested a warm bath and dab lavender on your pillow case.

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Soon I will have a king sized bed to sleep in so I will be all comfy and all will be good.

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Soon I will have a king sized bed to sleep in so I will be all comfy and all will be good.

That sounds really awesome! Before my daughter was born, I had a king sized bed and it was the best sleep ever! Sleep deprivation

Now, only a queen sized bed and still pretty spacious.

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I like to sleep when it is cooler out. This way I get my best sleep. I have been sleep deprived before and it really does stink!

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I like to sleep when it is cooler out. This way I get my best sleep. I have been sleep deprived before and it really does stink!

Lately, I'm falling asleep around 1 or 2 am and waking around 5 am. Whatever was going on before is back, think it's just stress related as my brain won't let me rest. I would love to get a good 12 hours sleep. Gone are the days though. Sleep deprivation

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If I'm not able to sleep, I try to relax by watching my favourite series on Netflix then a hot shower and hot chocolate does the trick. I avoid caffeine products anytime after 6pm or certain medication that keeps me awake as well. I also make sure my sleeping environment is free from excessive noise and lights must be off.

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I have a daytime job so I cannot afford to lose sleep. It's difficult to attend a meeting with drooping eyelids. But sometimes it cannot be helped like last week when the rains at midnight brought thunder which woke us. Our dogs in our bedroom were apprehensive so I had to caress them for assurance. The rains lasted for 2 hours which cost me 3 hours of sleep. And what I did? Going to the restroom often to wash my face so I would stay awake.

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Sleep deprivation is unfortunately something that I am incredibly familiar with. For years I had suffered from severe sleep problems. While I was in High School I would often go for two or three days at a time without sleep. A lot of these problems stemmed from my issues with depression and anxiety. In order to start getting more restful sleep, I began drinking valerian root tea, and it really did wonders for me. It eases anxiety and helps you wake up far fewer times throughout the night.

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I have been in those periods that I lacked the urge the sleep and what I have always done is to ensure that I force myself to sleep by shutting out every distraction and feigning to be sleeping by way of closing my eyes. It has not been easy, but it is a situation that can happen.

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I had some sleep deprivation nights when I was in college, long nights studying, drinking coffee, and trying to get all that info in my head. For sure I was cranky the other day, heavy headed, and in a terrible mood. Usually, I got very distracted, couldn't focus in anything, and really tired. That's why I try to sleep at a regular schedule and at least 8 hours per night, otherwise, I will be a mess the next day and will get angry.

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Sleep deprivation is never a good thing. From the moment you wake up your brain ‘builds up’ adenosine, once the adenosine reaches a specific level you will begin to produce melatonin which is your brain’s sleep trigger. Typically sleeping would allow the adenosine to be flushed and removed, resisting sleep will not allow this and adenosine will continue to build up. The increased levels of adenosine cause many issues over time which is why you should avoid sleep deprivation as much as possible

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