
Having trouble with Yahoo mail

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Having trouble with Yahoo mail

I am having trouble making my Yahoo email account work. Even when logged in, I get an error message, Code 14 and my messages can't load. I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I am just starting to hate Yahoo mail as it's so laggy on my computer. I have a Gmail account and it never gives me issues. This Yahoo account is important to me though. I am seriously considering just using Gmail after this.


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Sometimes, the scripts used to run the Yahoo email program are too much for some older computers.

There should be an option to run Yahoo mail in basic HTML, which should be less lagging for your computer.

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If your internet connection is very slow you won't be able to access advanced features of either Gmail or Yahoo mail. You need to check to see if you have a connection issue with your wifi.

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I am having trouble making my Yahoo email account work. Even when logged in, I get an error message, Code 14 and my messages can't load. I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I am just starting to hate Yahoo mail as it's so laggy on my computer. I have a Gmail account and it never gives me issues. This Yahoo account is important to me though. I am seriously considering just using Gmail after this.

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It was as a result of the issue that I had with Yahoo that made me stop using my email on the site. I prefer the services provided by Google for it is user-friendly and easy to sort things out on than the rigorous process that I found with Yahoo email.

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I have to admit that I have several Yahoo accounts for my email. One account had a problem that it wouldn’t display the recent mails. In other words, what I see are old mails and the new mails are only displayed after 3 to 5 days. But when I used a different computer, the mailbox looked normal. The tech in our office said that it has something to do with the Windows XP or our old desktop at home.

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