
Youtube not Loading? Don't Blaim It On Google

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Youtube not Loading? Don't Blaim It On Google

So, you go to Youtube. "Errr, why is Youtube so slow" you might say, or "What is wrong with my computer!".

Well, don't blaim it on your computer OR Youtube. It's your internet provider.

Your internet provider will SLOW DOWN sites like Youtube, or Netflix if they don't pay your provider fees.

Verizon is one of the first to do this, slowing down Netflix about 14%. But if they do this, how do they keep their customers?

Good question, but the thing is, in the near future, most companies will be doing this (Charter, AT&T, etc).

Why did this just start now? Well, recently a court case was held, and during the court case the Internet Neutrality rule was repealed, one of the most important laws in all of the internet. It used to prevent companies from taking over the internet, so it belonged to no one,

But now that it is gone, people could take over the internet and do stuff like this!

Search the web for Net Neutrality and chances are you will find a lot of news on it.

If someone could create a petition and get some signers, possibly this law could be put back into action. is a good place to create petitions.


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Actually, Youtube barely runs on my computer anymore. Or, if it does, then just one video and then the entire computer gets laggy, until I take down Youtube. Good to know it's not my computer.

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Especially bad news for anyone that relies on Youtube for video entertainment. I love the site for music and have not noticed lag or throttling but then again, I'm paying a lot for my internet connection so maybe it's covered.

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The constant lag with my Netflix when streaming movies on the Roku or my computer caused me to upgrade my internet connection to the highest package, so that now it's well over $100 a month. Sometimes, I question whether or not such speed is needed but now I don't notice the same lag as before when streaming. And, since the streaming movies are a popular thing in our home, I don't complain too much.

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The constant lag with my Netflix when streaming movies on the Roku or my computer caused me to upgrade my internet connection to the highest package, so that now it's well over $100 a month. Sometimes, I question whether or not such speed is needed but now I don't notice the same lag as before when streaming. And, since the streaming movies are a popular thing in our home, I don't complain too much.

Even cable doesn't cost so much. I wonder if they aren't throttling people just to force an upgrade on internet packages. What do you think?

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