
What's the best words to describe your Youtube channel?

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What's the best words to describe your Youtube channel?

On your Youtube About tab, you have the opportunity to describe your your Youtube channel. How do you use this space to personalize your Youtube channel so that others want to know more? Do you bother to fill out the description or do you not think anyone reads it?


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Useful. Fun. Informative. Those are words that I use to describe my Youtube videos and channel and I think my videos reflect these qualities.

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My video style is very concise and to the point. So I would say decisive and helpful are two words to describe my channel.

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Our family’s Youtube channel contains personal videos. Maybe it can be named Family Videos because there is no video there that was taken from another source. All the videos were from our camera. And even the background music, as much as possible we make our own original music so as not to infringe on the copyrighted music. With photos, we also keep away from other photos unless it is a request. All the photos in our videos are all from our camera. So Family Videos or maybe Private Family.

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