
When did you first use Pinterest?

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When did you first use Pinterest?

I started using Pinterest early last year as it was one of the only sites that allowed me to showcase images from my site and connect directly with fans. When did you first use Pinterest and why do you use it now?


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I have used Pinterest to advertise affiliate products that I'm showing on my blog. There are so many good opportunities for the smart marketer using Pinterest.

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Out of all the socials I created for my website, Pinterest and Facebook are the most accepted and visited by the audience.

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I browsed the site many times over the past but never signed in until a client asked me to post some content on the site linking back to his own site. Then I signed in with Facebook. That was about a year ago and I've been active ever since.

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Maybe a year ago? I am not as active on it as I should be though.

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