
Is it a Good Idea to buy Facebook Likes

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Is it a Good Idea to buy Facebook Likes

I am bit confuse with my previous experience. I have buy like for my page to look the page better but i thing all the like were fake and there is no interaction on the post at all.

I have a new page should i buy likes too for this page...?


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Buying fake likes would not help you .

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what is the essence of repeating what never works,you will still get the same answers so instead of buying those bots why don't you promote your site for humans likes,it will be better that way.

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you can buy likes from experienced and high rated users. some of them are giving real likes there cost is much higher than normal

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I am bit confuse with my previous experience. I have buy like for my page to look the page better but i thing all the like were fake and there is no interaction on the post at all.
I have a new page should i buy likes too for this page...?

I would recommend hiring Ambition Traffic if you want to get high quality likes that are targeted in specific locations and interests. So you can build engagement as well. Learn how to post engaging topics that will allow other readers to respond.

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Really Good Idea. I have just spent the 30$ on my Facebook page and the result was amazing. I have a website that was boosted with this method since the likes are all targeted which helps you getting the customer easily. To buy Facebook likes will be preferred by many people.When you buy Facebook likes you will realize that your return on investment raises due to the statistic you have use to promote each month.

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You may want to advertise on others aside from FB
Anyway, I do hope that if ever you get into Facebook ads make sure your page is enticing enough for your followers.
Keep them up-to-date and interact with them.

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normaly likes are not fake but its not active so you did not get any better result from it

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as my remember i watch a youtube video, he try to proof buying likes by running add campaign on facebook also useless
if its useless buying on other site.....................?

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Don't buy likes. Most of these likes are from bots. Even if the likes are from human being, those who like your pages are the ones who are being compensated by the program and they like your page just because they are earning few cents. They do not care about your content. A better way to build audience is through facebook advertising, you can create an ad or boost your page and you might get likes from the facebook users who are genuinely interested in your products.

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Just by the sound of it, buying likes make you look desperate. If you will read the other discussions about likes that you buy then you may be discouraged because it seems that no seller can give you real likes. What you get are artificial likes that will vanish sooner or later. Correct me if I am not accurate on this comment because I am just sharing what I have learned from the other discussions.

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I need some fb likes for my vanity url. Any offers here please ? PM me pls.

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