
Website Traffic

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Website Traffic

I have created a new website and have my own blogs and products. Although I share my content in various Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and also the social bookmarking sites like Tumblr, Growth hackers,, etc but couldn't receive any positive response from those sites.
I couldn't find any reason. Can anyone suggest me how to overcome this problems and boost my traffic???


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Go into related forums and blogs and get involved, you need to put in a little hard work to get the reward

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The most important, and possibly the easiest way to get more traffic to your website is to have good content.
There is no point in submitting your website to a directory, or sending pings if you don't have good content.
People forget the importance of the actual content and start telling everyone to submit their website blindly everywhere.

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Many Ways to drive the Traffic Relevant to your niche few points in my mind see below.

it's very important to work on Daily base to get a regular traffic with your Blog and site.

Focus on long-tail keywords
Start a Facebook group that drives traffic to your site
Submit your blog posts to StumbleUpon – It works!
Promote your blog posts to your email list
Work on your headlines
Join a blogging community like ProBlogger or CopyBlogger
Include links to other relevant posts on your blog
Guest post on relevant blogs
Optimize your existing posts
Post more frequently
Submit your posts to Reddit
Mention influencers in your tweets
Focus your energy on strategies that are working
Build connections with others in your niche
Make sure you have every relevant keyword you can think of on your site
Create a top 10 website post
Make the most of Facebook links
Get on YouTube
Add text to your blog post images
Become a member of industry Facebook and LinkedIn groups
Connect with bloggers who are already sending you traffic
Ask a well-known blogger to guest post on your site
Respond to blog comments
Add your blog to Alltop
Answer Questions with Yahoo Answers & Quora
Make proper use of categories
Write landmark posts
Comment on industry blogs
Share your blog posts regularly on Facebook
Share your posts on Triberr

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The idea is to have organic traffic... That's why you should doing SEO! ;)

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It's not just that easy to create website and expect that you'll get some positive response. Site promoting is very long and difficult process, and the reasons for not having any result can be a lot. You just need to learn more about this topic and improve your site.

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Facebook and twitter both are the main source of traffic so use it wisely.

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I will provide you with 100% guaranteed 27 Untapped traffic Sources.Instead of using countless same old traffic sources, I will cover 27 Untapped Traffic Sources that are very often overlooked by marketers which will increase the ranking of your business products/services.

This service can be used for following purposes:
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  2. Increase website traffic
Website content to go viral Save money spent on increasing traffic to your websiteThis is The Free Traffic sources Book for increase website traffic.order now...

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First question is the kind of product you are selling. If your product is not for universal use then it is really not easy to find customers. Second question, how do you promote your website in social media? If you just make a post to say that you have your website and this is the link then that is clearly spamming and probably no one will be interested. Concoct an interesting spiel for your marketing approach in promoting your website so the readers in social media will at least be curious.

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