
How to recover your site Google ranking?

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How to recover your site Google ranking?

I have lost my Google ranking after penguin update and how to recover from Google penalty?


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Each Google updates penalize the low quality site. If your site has unique contents and is well optimized for Search Engines, Google updates will not have adverse effects on your website. In case you have been hit by Google updates, you will have to rework on your contents, keywords, backlinks, site design and site speed.

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From what I understand with that Penguin update, it is a penalty that is inflicted on your website for a violation or maybe eroding quality. My take on such problem is to revitalize the website with good contents. Uploading good contents as often as you can will change the landscape of your website and will change the bad impression that search engines have. Good content means well-written that is relevant to your niche and original as well which is not copied from another website, whether partly or wholly.

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