
Which sites were penalized more or benefited by Google's Hummingbird update?

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Which sites were penalized more or benefited by Google's Hummingbird update?

Is there a particular site that was penalized more or benefited by the Google Hummingbird update? For instance, do video sites rank as well now? Or, was this about having better content?


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Google Hummingbird is more about an algorithmic change that allows Google to process information in a smarter way. So when someone makes a search (by voice) on a mobile device, they are shown more relevant results. Hummingbird is just about showing more relevant results not penalizing site owners.

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If you were working good and did not SPAM, your website won't get penalized! Which sites were penalized more or benefited by Google

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This particular update from Google was about improving its search algorithm, so it did not affect webmasters like panda or penguin did.

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