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Need Your Help

Hi everyone,

My name is Charles from the Netherlands and I love SEOClerks Need Your Help I have a affiliate website for SEOClerks and I don't get it into the top 300 of Big G! My domain is not ending with .com but with .info

a couple of moths ago I use this site for other purpose and I was in the top 100, but because of some internet issues I was not able to continue my works on this webste. I need you guys for helping me out because maybe I am doing sometings wrong in the meta etc.

Looking forward to hear from you..

Best Charles


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Hello Charles.
First of all thanks for buying this wp theme. I am glad to see it running on your website.

Regarding the ranking on Google with this kind of contents i have to tell you that's going to be hard job to boost your ranking just because there is enormous competition on SEO and SMM keywords and it will take more time to boost then for some other sites.

Anyway i will send you couple of suggestions to your inbox as complimentary to my buyer. But hope you will get some other advices to improve your ranking.

Good luck

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If you will do regular seo than you will get succeed.

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Send me message, I can help you with it I've exact kind of site but I'm on top 10 results already.;)

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You need UNIQUE content and update your website often.. Also, be sure to get a .com domain soon... Those .info sites are more for static pages (just for info) and people don't trust them so much... ;)

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