
Is SEO Hit & Trial technique?

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Is SEO Hit & Trial technique?

Hi guys,
These are the techniques I am using for SEO but not getting the desired results. Please suggest which technique should be given more importance?

  1. Article submission
  2. Forum Posting
  3. Blog commenting
  4. Blog Writing
  5. Directory Submission
  6. Social Bookmarking

One more thing please suggests is there any limit of postings? I think now SEO results are like hit and Trial.
Members please give your valuable suggestions.


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Depends. Are you using automated tools for this or manual, quality content?

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Some people find better success with one SEO technique than others. For instance, I like Google + for SEO and backlinks but many others don't. Also, i like making high quality blog posts with proper keywords as that gets good rankings for my sites. Others might prefer backlinking from 100's of sites for SEO.

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I’m not saying that it’s a toss up but the most popular SEO methods are backlinks and keywords. But I guess I have to hand it to backlinks in terms of popularity although I have some freelancer friends who say that tagging with keywords is much easier because all you need to do is to think of an appropriate keyword that is directly related to the content that you will be uploading to the web page. Much more the keywords can be several and also can be inserted right on the content.

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yeah if you want to get desired result then you should use best quality content and links . You should use good ranking sites for making quality links.

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yeah if you want to get desired result then you should use best quality content and links . You should use good ranking sites for making quality links.

I've heard that getting backlinks from edu/.gov blogs is best for SEO. Hard to get those links though as the blogs are usually highly moderated.

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No it is not so, natural SEO techniques always works but it takes time and patience, it delivers the results but takes very lone.


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No SEO is not Hit n Trail technique. Do quality work for SEO and you are done as you will definitely acheive rankings.


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All the techniques you listed above do work in their capacities.

If your site is not optimized with the correct keywords then you will have a tough time getting ranked high in Google.

At the same time if you are tergeting high volume keywords with fierce competition then also you will never even make it close to the first page.

Review your keywords as well as On/Off page SEO from time to time to see where you stand at the moment.

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Some people find better success with one SEO technique than others. For instance, I like Google + for SEO and backlinks but many others don't. Also, i like making high quality blog posts with proper keywords as that gets good rankings for my sites. Others might prefer backlinking from 100's of sites for SEO.

Well. You are doing it right.. It's better to have 1 backlink from a HIGH QUALITY site and even make some Tier2 backlinks too than having hundreds or even thousands of low-quality backlinks! Is SEO Hit & Trial technique?

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In seo you have to use organic method if you actually want to rank well in the search engine. Create the back links to your website which are of high quality and if you create the links in aggressive way it will be treated as spamming work work by Google. Minimum 15 links of high quality per day is enough for getting good results.

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thank you

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That completely depends upon how and what do you post on what platform.

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When it comes to SEO work, it is the contents that I always suggest because content is king and it is the backbone of the website. Without contents there can be no website to speak of. When you upload good contents regularly then your website is good in terms of SEO. Good contents mean it is well written and not copied from another website. You cannot go wrong with good contents.

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