
Link wheel

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Link wheel

Link wheeling is useful method now a days in link wheeling we have to generate our profile to web 2.0 sites at least on 20 site and we have to create link on all sites and give link to all and as well to our site too which we want to endorse.


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I know a word about link wheeling, but i need to stay tunned in this thread for even more details.

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How do you deal with the challenges of LinkWheeling? There are a lot of website owners who moderate their sites, and do not allow these links being placed. Is there a risk of the links being dropped because of this?

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Pardon me if my understanding is not accurate. I had come across a discussion where it said that a link wheel is like a syndicated sharing of links. For example there are 5 sites namely A, B, C, D, E. Site A will post his link on Site B and Site B will post his link on Site C and so forth until Site E will post on Site A. That circular direction of the links made it a link wheel.

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