
Tutorial 1: How to Boost Your Site's Rank

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Tutorial 1: How to Boost Your Site's Rank

You've made your site, added some products, and it looks really nice. You are probably thinking "Now What?"

The next step is to boost your sites rank. This means getting your rank higher on Google, making your Alexa rank higher, and getting interested visitors. Here is my 3 step tutorial on how to do that.

1. Get Ranked On Google (and Bing)

A. The first step to getting ranked on Google is to submit your site. For Google, just go here: and for Bing, here: What this does is it helps the Google and Bing bot crawl your site better and see your site map. This is one of the BIG steps to get ranked on Google, Yahoo, and Bing (Yahoo is powered by Bing).

B. The second step is making sure your site has a good description. You can make a description for your site just putting the following code in your site:
<meta name="description" content="INSERT-DESCRIPTION-HERE " />
Don't make it too short or too long and make sure to make it professional. If you want to look at an example, you can look up some sites you like on Google and see what their descriptions are.

C. The final step is to boost your rank by getting services on SEOclerks. I will share will you two of my favorites.
2. Boost Your Alexa Rank

A. Install the Alexa Toolbar. Whenever you view your site with the toolbar it boosts your Alexa rank. You can boost it once a day.
Download Custom Version Here:
Download Original Version Here:

B. Claim your site on Create an account on and claim your site. After making your account search for your site on the homepage and claim it by using one of the methods it tells you to use.

C. Buy an Alexa Rank Boost on SEOclerks. There are a few options below:
1 Week Big Boost:
1 Week Mega Boost:

3. Get Interested Visitors On Your Site

A. Go Social! Create a Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest for your site. Make sure to put the links to all of them on your site and update them regularly to find new interested buyers.
Suggested Social Networks:

B. Use Innoshow. Innoshow is a great way to find interested viewers and is used by many people to get AdSesnse clicks. It is extremely cheap, about 333 TARGED VIEWERS just for $10.

C. Yahoo Answers is a great place to "advertise". Just go to a section of questions that your site is related to and answer some questions (only if you know the answer of course Tutorial 1: How to Boost Your Site) and put your site as the source and watch the new visitors roll in.

Stay tuned for the next tutorial!


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Yes everything OK but need they that's work I want to face and want to do own site seo

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Yes everything OK but need they that's work I want to face and want to do own site seo

Some people do, but most people don't know how to.

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Great tutorial that you have listed here. Thanks.

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This is great information. It's believed that article writing does you no good any more but I think I've found away around it for sure. After publishing your article you should post it in full on blogs. The more blogs that your article is posted to the more link juice it builds. The thing that I must mention is that in the text of the article link back to the article with what ever keyword you're targeting. I have another couple of small tactics that I use to rank sites but this is one that has repeatedly worked for me.

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge thru the detailed tutorial. I am a beginner in the SEO field and I am trying to learn as much as I can from the discussions here. The Alexa toolbar is new to me and perhaps that can be explored more when I time to spare. And I like that line that says go social because I am familiar with social media and I can easily understand almost everything that is related to it.

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