
Someone stole my article and cost me search engine ranking

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Someone stole my article and cost me search engine ranking

Once, I had this really awesome article that I had written (first published on my own site) and some girl copied to Yahoo answers (verbatim) and Google ranked her version higher than mine for the keywords targeted. Though mine was published first and belonged to me, Google didn't mind awarding the spot to Yahoo. So Yahoo is more authoritative site? But the article was mine, so why would copied content rank higher?. I do not remember if that was before Panda. But it was ridiculous as I lost my position for the keyword to another page which contained duplicate content of my work and stopped earning money from that article on my own site due to her republication. :/

I don't remember if this was before Panda, just that Google picked Yahoo as the authority site though it contained stolen content.

I am hoping Google is not still doing this, but only awarding the top spot for site of first publication. They say duplicate content is a big deal, but why allow duplicate content pages to rank highly just because they are on big name sites?


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Yahoo is not immune to a DMCA take down. You need to complain to Google about what happened. Then you should report the page directly to Yahoo in as many ways as possible. Give evidence and specific links to the content you published first and insist that something be done.

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