
Is Yahoo Answers any good for backlinks since Penguin 2.0?

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Is Yahoo Answers any good for backlinks since Penguin 2.0?

How is Yahoo Answers for backlinks since Google's most recent update to Penguin?


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Yes ! Now also, they are extremely important. It might not improve your ranking in google but it will always get you visitors Is Yahoo Answers any good for backlinks since Penguin 2.0?. And once you have visitors on your site, you don't have to worry about google ranking ;)

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Yes ! Now also, they are extremely important. It might not improve your ranking in google but it will always get you visitors Is Yahoo Answers any good for backlinks since Penguin 2.0?. And once you have visitors on your site, you don't have to worry about google ranking ;)

Thanks for the information friend!

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No problem. BTW, according some seo experts if you get backlink from yahoo answers intelligently (that is, without link blasting) then google considers those links as valid links, and never punishes your site.

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No problem. BTW, according some seo experts if you get backlink from yahoo answers intelligently (that is, without link blasting) then google considers those links as valid links, and never punishes your site.

That's probably true of any type of site, not just Yahoo answers. If Google sees any type of site being linked back to in excess, it is likely to be suspicious.

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Well, Yahoo Answer would help you in getting traffic, since Yahoo Answer is an authority site so it would give benefit in SEO too.

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That's probably true of any type of site, not just Yahoo answers. If Google sees any type of site being linked back to in excess, it is likely to be suspicious.

If you have excess backlinks from a particular site in short time then it means you are spamming a site ! Also, it can make google suspicious because blackhat tool do similar thing.

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That's probably true of any type of site, not just Yahoo answers. If Google sees any type of site being linked back to in excess, it is likely to be suspicious.

Agree. It is true for every site. Yahoo answers is not an exception in this case. Also, it is true that anything in excess can create problems ! So, be careful before doing excess seo.

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not so important in ranking factor but still important for traffic

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not so important in ranking factor but still important for traffic

Agree. But what is the possibility of newbie (wrt yahoo answers) getting traffic via yahoo answers ?

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