
Do you build deep links to your site?

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Do you build deep links to your site?

Do you backlink to specific blog posts or pages on your site? Or, do you only build backlinks to the home page?


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Backlinking to individual posts on a blog is the best thing you can do for your SEO (other than publishing high quality content). This is true because it gives the search engine spiders a better chance of locating your pages. If you are only backlinking from the home page, there is a chance new pages won't be found.

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I do Blog post and it have good improve in my sites' ranking from last month to the current month. I do back links for home page as well as inner pages also.

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there is many strategies...
you can build backlinks with closed eyes, or you will get slapped
you must study your website and your competitors, and then you can have an idea about the strategie that may work
after that just write down your strategie and applie it.....and then see the result

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I do Blog post and it have good improve in my sites' ranking from last month to the current month. I do back links for home page as well as inner pages also.

The reason blog posts work so well as a backlinking tool is because you can use a volume of descriptive words (keywords, etc) surrounding your links when backlinking.

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i am still get backlink for my homepage then i will do it again for each post i own in it !

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Yes I also recommend to get backlinks for homepage and inner pages also

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Yeah, since the panda and penguin updates it is a good idea to build links to internal pages not just the homepages, I build deeplinks through guest blogging and press releases

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Yeah, since the panda and penguin updates it is a good idea to build links to internal pages not just the homepages, I build deeplinks through guest blogging and press releases

Linking to internal pages is always a smart idea as it allows the search engine bots to more easily find your inner pages with ease; not to mention how it looks like a more organic or natural backlinking than linking to home page.

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Linking to your homepage is only the first step. you must Link to every page and also link them together on your site!

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Deeplinking gives your site a better chance of ranking higher for relevant keywords

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Deeplinking gives your site a better chance of ranking higher for relevant keywords

And, it's less suspicious to backlink to individual pages and posts and looks less like a backlinking campaign.

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Yes, true..beside, Google a smart bot is, we need to be creative, take some effort from our site and being patience. Better look for high quality backlinks yourself, that really do follow your website or blog!

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Deep linking is what users would do. I know for myself - more often than not I link to a specific page vs a home page. So it looks extremely unnatural to have all links pointing to the home page (In my mind, you wouldn't want more than 30% to link to your home page).

So yeah - I do build deep links to my site ;).

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Do you backlink to specific blog posts or pages on your site? Or, do you only build backlinks to the home page?

I want to get backlinks not only home page but also post pages.

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