
Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?

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Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?

I'd like to compile a list of niche or specialty search engines, for instance search engines that only show results for recipes, game related posts or just SEO. Does anyone know of search engines that only feature specialized results?


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I personally use only 3 search engines, 2 of them, from time to time. Google, Yahoo and Bing. Why would I need a niche based search engine when I can find almost everything on this 3 search engines.

For any number of reasons. For instance, some search engines focus on niches like recipes or medical topics. Just depends on how specific you want to get.

Some useful links to alternate search engines.

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Kinda off topic but wasn't Mc Hammer building a search engine?

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Kinda off topic but wasn't Mc Hammer building a search engine?

It was in the news few years back, don't know what they are doing now, probably they gave up. Too bad, I know I'd use it Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?
Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?

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Kinda off topic but wasn't Mc Hammer building a search engine?

The search engine launched in late 2011 was called WireDoo.

This is the only link i could find from the LA Times

But the site doesn't seem to be working now.

It was supposed to be an innovative way to search, focused on deep search and relational topics. Guess it was an idea ahead of it's time.

More details:

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The search engine WireDoo, is still not accessible.

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I use to search a niche through search engine,but i notice if you choose a niche that really good it is more competitive.

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Thanks guys,

to share great info.

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The search engine WireDoo, is still not accessible.

He seemed to have very good intentions with this new search engine. But good intentions are not good enough when going up against Google.

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filecrop is one such search engine which is dedicated on searching files on net. It is pretty good, when you are looking for a file Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?

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+1 for filecrop.

To addon you can make google a niche based search engine by using operators. For example, if I want to search files over web then I would search a file on google with file as prefix Are there any other niche/specialty search engines?

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The first search engine I ever used in the 90's was Internet Explorer which was built in Windows 95. Well it wasn't that good but it's the only one I knew off back then. Nowadays it's Google chrome for me and like billions of people .

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Pardon me for this comment but this is the first time that I’ve heard of specialty search engines. Are the results of that specialty search engines much different than the results of the major search engines namely Google, Yahoo and Bing? This makes me think of the purpose of such search engines when we can also get the information by using the “ordinary” search engines like the top 3 that I had mentioned.

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