
Google Algorithm

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Google Algorithm

How usually these algorithm changes?


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Google changes their algorithm as often as they feel necessary. Though there is usually a couple major updates a year, there are many minor tweaks that you might never know about. Though recently Google rolled out dozens of algorithm tweaks at one time. They made a huge impact on bloggers/webmasters, including Penguin.

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I think it is not only Google that changes its algorithm from time to time. That also applies to other search engines. We don’t really know the exact reason why the algorithm is dynamic and my guess is that it is a secret like a password that should be changed regularly so the observer cannot guess what is being used. With Google I have a suspicion that some of its supposed to be updates were just press releases and nothing had really changed in the algorithm.

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Google want to show only high quality website in there searches. that's why they are changing their algorithm changes?

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Google want to show only high quality website in there searches. that's why they are changing their algorithm changes?

That's the theory, or at least what Google says it wants. Though I'm still seeing some lower quality sites ranking high. Hopefully, those sites will be phased out over time.

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These Google Algorithms just become strict so that quality results can be produced.

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Tommy Matalino
Google want to show only high quality website in there searches. that's why they are changing their algorithm changes?

Who would like to see a low quality site on the top of the search results?

That's the theory, or at least what Google says it wants. Though I'm still seeing some lower quality sites ranking high. Hopefully, those sites will be phased out over time.

Well, if they are low quality, they could be manipulating the search engine results...

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I guess only Google knows the frequency of changing its algorithm. In one simple experiment done, do a search on a particular website that is on the first page of the search list. Do a repeated search every 30 minutes and check the position of that website you are testing. You will notice that the position on the search list is changing like it was number 5 before and now it became number 6 or maybe got a higher rank. And considering that there was no changes in the test website, that means the changes were on the other websites hence the ranking was changing.

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